SEC || S11W3 - Discipline

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Edited with PixelLab

My View About Discipline

Discipline has been viewed by various scholars as an act of self punishment. These sort of definition has made people to develop a cold feet towards discipline. In my own view, I'll define it as the act of cutting the excess of an individual in order to mould him/her to become a better version of himself/herself. Personally, I do not view discipline as self punishment but a way of improving yourself. It is also a way of preventing dangers that might befall an individual. Please permit me to give an illustration.

A particular child love licking ice cream therefore his parents do provide the ice cream everyday. At a point, the child start behaving abnormal and rushed to the hospital. He was diagnosed of an issue which was traced to that ice cream. Then, the parents stop buying the ice cream but the boy craving for ice cream still exists. All pleas from the boy to the parents fell on deaf ears.

Have You Been Discipline Before

Yes, I have been disciplined before. While growing, I was opportuned to go out for a social gathering in the company of my parents and siblings. As usual, in a social gathering, they must be entertainment like foods or drinks. When the event is nearly over and entertainment time draws closer, my father will signal us that it's time to leave. After the signal, we will get back to the car and zoom off. Personally, I was very angry at such encounter. My thought was that he should allow us to be entertained. Now, I realized that he (My Father) did a great work on us. That was a form of discipline which is helping me till now. Nowadays, I can go to any social event without feeling any urge of foods or any form of entertainment. My father's discipline is actually working.


Do You Consider Discipline As Love Or Hatred Despite How It is Given

Taking my first illustration as a case study, I will proudly say that discipline is actually love. In that case study, the child might not understand the implications of that ice cream. But the parents choose to adopt a way that will help him forever. As the child will grow up, he will come to a realization that his parents actually love him by preventing that implications from happening. In this case study, no matter how the parents might have deny him that ice cream, I will still say that it is love.

Is Discipline Beneficial To Kids

Discipline is very beneficial that it is said to be the second mother of a child. First, discipline mould the person to be become the best version of himself/herself. A child wouldn't know his/her true capacity unless being disciplined. Second, discipline prevent a child to be like the one with no control.


My Personal Advice For The Givers And Receivers Of Discipline

To The Giver: Discipline is something one can't do without but don't make it in a way that is detrimental to human's health. In general, don't exceed the limit.
To The Receiver: Don't have this feeling that everyone hate you. Before a person discipline you, that means he/she has genuine love for you. Please, don't take it as punishment or hatred.

Inviting @davidmarkgeorge, @emmajames01 and @vudeme123 to this challenge


Thanks For Reading



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Curated by : @wilmer1988

 last year 

La disciplina juega un papel muy importante en nuestro vidas a través de ella podemos corregir nuestros errores .
Y tomar en cuenta que está siempre debe de darse con amor y no recurrir a la violencia ya que se definiría maltrato
Feliz día

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