A surprise gift to my very good friend @chukwu10steemCreated with Sketch.


Good day to my wonderfully made friends in steemit, how are you all, i hope everything is going well, how are your beautiful day going i hope you guys enjoyed your day a lot. Well it have been a good day and a good time for me to just share with you guys my precious surprise gift i will like to give yo my very good friend in steemit.

Who do you want to give a surprise gift to

Well here i will like to share with you guys who i will like to give a surprise gift to.

I have already plan ot that i will like to surprise my very good friend in steemit on the 25th of December 2022, and that person is no other person than @chukwu10 my very good friend. And i have have reasons why i would like to surprise him with a gift, which includes that he have helped me very well in school and in every where we find ourselves, secondly he cares about me very well to the extent he introduced steemit to me and also advise me to join the platform and he also registered me and always bring out his time to lecture me on things that consigns steemit. Not only that my friend always bring out his time to make sure i understands everything about steemit and also gives me chance to ask question anytime that am confuse.

Truly i cant wait till 25th to show how much i love him by giving him a good and precious gift for him as a good friend and mentor.

What type of gift will you like to surprise the person with?


Well i will like to surprise him with a tangible gift that he will always use to remember me all the time even if distance separates us.

Well in that case i will also makes sure that the gift which i will give to him will make our friendship more stronger, and the gift will also make him understands that in this life he needs to continue helping people and also teach him that he should not forget those people that helped him in the past when he needs help from people.

If you are a person given such a gift how would you feel?

Wow that's a good question u was even waiting for this question to come so that i can express how i would feel if i was given such a gift by someone else i helped.

I will be very very happy if am given such a gift from the person i helped or someone else, but majorly if the gift is from the person i helped to achieve something or to solve a particular problem for the person i will be very happy for the person and also for the gift, because if you help a person to achieve something and the person then returns to greet you or appreciate you for what you have done for him, you will be very happy not because of the kind gift that person is giving to you but because that person appreciates for the little help you rendered to him, you will notice that since the person appreciates you, you will go more further in helping the person again in life and never regrets it in your whole world. Well typing all these will not express my full emotions on how i will react if am the one that is given that gift.

How often do you intend to put a smile on the faces of people around you in the remaining weeks of the year?

Well i will also like it if i will also make people around me to smile like am going to make my friend to smile also in no distance time.

I will always put smile on the faces of people around me by; cheering with them, telling them stories that are interesting and jokes that will make smile and always make them feel comfortable and happy when ever am with them. And i will like to also hang out with them on that same 25th and go have some funs with them. And also i will always like to introduce things about steemit to them and make sure the joins the platform, feel comfortable and also enjoy steemit with me on a daily basis.

If you are to write a good will message and have it attached to the gift what will you write?

Well in that method i will also include and write to him that God will surely give him long life and also give more better days ahead of him, and will also include to him to manage the little token which i have afford to give him in appreciation to things he have helped me with, most especially the most important thing he has done for me by introducing me to thus very platform called steemit, and i will also give more if i have gotten or privileged to do more for him,and lastly i will also remind him that i wull always care for him and also helped him in any condition that i can render help to.



Wow i will like to use this medium to thank this community for bringing up this very interesting contest that i have taken my own part and i also will like to invite my friends @chukwu10, @graceani and @richy20 in steemit to also take their on part of this very contest.

And lastly my regards to @chukwu10 for always guiding me in steemit.




Your post has been successfully curated by @franyeligonzalez at 40%.

His publication has been awarded for being one of the winners of the contest of the user simonnigwe.

Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote in the weekly list of Top Contests.

Yes, thanks for that am very happy and i will always continue to post quality post

 2 years ago 

Wow,I can't really believe this.yoy are such a caring brother.

You have really done well by choosing me as one person you will like to give out a gift,you are also good to me and I also have a surprise gift for you.

You have really written well and also I can see that you are really understanding how to use the Blockchain well.

Keep blogging and #steem-on.

 2 years ago 

Hi @vincent100, for joining the contest in our community today. You have written well about the special gift you wish to give to @chukwu10. I wish you success in this contest my friend.

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 2 years ago 

Your plan to surprise your friend is a great one.

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