Recreation Review

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago
What is Recreation

Recreation is an activity done for amusement and relaxation. It is an activity done in our spare time and done with ease and without stress. Recreational activities are activities done during our liesure.
We all have different activities that we do during that period of time, it could be listening to music, watching a movie, playing games, reading books , playing football, e.t.c. it's just anything we derive pleasure in doing and makes us feel relaxed. Recreational activities are peculiar to individuals in the sense that what makes you feel relaxed may definitely not be what I find interesting.


My recreational activity

What I love doing during my recreational time is "READING". I love reading, it's just a way for me to let go of all the days stress and feel relaxed. I read a lot of articles like magazines, novels , storybooks, inspirational materials and educational content.

Reading is the act of decoding letters and words. It is also the act of making reference to a book and article for educational purposes, learning, leisure and other activities.
According to what I was taught in university, we have different types of reading;

Scanning: This is a fast reading method for the purpose of entertainment.

Skimming: This is a fast reading method in search of an idea or point.

Fast reading: This type of reading method is for understanding the central idea of a particular book or material.

Normal reading: This is the type of reading for the purpose of understanding and rememberance.

Study level: Study level is the type of reading method common to students. This method is for proper understanding and assimilation of the book or materials involved.


Benefits of Reading

There are many benefits of reading but I'll only highlight a few.

Increased knowledge: The more we read the more knowledgeable we become because there's always something to learn from whatsoever we are reading and it expands our scope of knowledge and understanding.

Improved Vocabularies: Reading helps improve our vocabulary because we tend to encounter new words as we read and this widens our scope of words and helps us discover new words thereby improving our vocabularies.

Exploring other people's thoughts: Reading is also a great way to explore other people's thoughts and perspective concerning certain issues. Most times a writer is expressing is thought and opinion so by reading it you get to explore other people's views.

The book I'm currently Reading

My goal each week is always to start and finish a book. So during my spare time I just pick a book either a Christian book, Educational book, Novels to read and if I finish it before the week ends I'll pick another to read or I'll read contents and comics. Since we are on break I decided to read something different because school will soon resume and I'll be more focused on my academic materials.

The title of the book I'm currently reading is "Citizenship and Peace Studies"
The book contains 12 chapters and each chapter talks about something different.

It is an educative book which talks mainly about the rights, duties and obligations of a citizen. It also contains a lot of information concerning the health of citizens and lots more. The book is written by NsikanAbasi S. Nkana, who happens to be a Ph.D holder in my current institution.
The book is quite an interesting read especially for Nigerian citizens so I'll gladly recommend it to Steeminans in Nigeria to read.


Why I Love Reading

There are many reasons why I love reading and I'll love to share some.

As a writer, I love reading because it makes me have an understanding of other writers thought and share their view. It helps me understand differences because each writer has a different line of thought and it's by reading their article that you get to share in their view.

I love reading because it improves my vocabulary, because each time I read I come across strange words I quickly open my dictionary to learn the meaning and usage. In that way I get to improve my vocabulary there by perfecting my writing skills.

I love reading because it helps me understand a particular course we'll thereby leading to my improved academic performance in school.

I love reading because it gives me insight about life and most books serves as source of inspiration.

I love reading because that's the only way to expand my reasoning skills and exposure.


Reading is indeed a very rare recreational activity because some people find it boring to read books, but I find it quite very interesting and it's the best way to Share in other people's thoughts and perspective. Reading also help lighten our mood like reading comics, comedy and funny content.
Reading is also an important key factor to enhance success in our academic pursuit and for a student to be successful he or she must cultivate the right reading habits.

Thank you for reading my Recreation Review and I hope you enjoyed it. I invite @zekanem @adachukwu and @imadear to participate in this contest because I'll love to know read their Recreational Reviews too.


The more we read the more knowledgeable we become because there's always something to learn from whatsoever we are reading and it expands our scope of knowledge and understanding.

Improved Vocabularies: Reading helps improve our vocabulary because we tend to encounter new words as we read and this widens our scope of words and helps us discover new words thereby improving our vocabularies.

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