Word Definition Contest wk5 | What Does Compassion Mean To You By @vickydear

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago
20% of this post reward goes to @steemkidss Good morning my beautiful and lovely steemkids ❣️💕 and kids lovers, I believe all of you are doing well and that you are safe in where ever you are, I am eager to participate in this amazing contest, my thanks goes to @steemkidss for initiating an excellent contest like this.

How i Understand The Word Compassion

Compassion may be defined as having deep feelings of sympathy for a person who is suffering and it is always accompanied by having a strong desire to move, to take action and and relieved a person or that we witness from suffering and pains.

What It's Means To Be compassionate

Compassion literally means to suffering with one another. It may be so difficult to have compassion because we are living in a world where we are bomb with bad news everyday and these become part of us. So when we take action and move with love to help those who are indeed we are compassionate, but we become insensitive by suffering.

Who Can Show Compassion

IMG_20211011_090109_930_1633964198864.jpgJesus was moved with compassion to help the blind man

It is interesting to know that our heavenly father and his son Christ Jesus always show compassion and they are compassionate and worthy of our imitation, So everyone, adults and children, young and old men and women should show compassion.

Why Compassion is Important To Everyone
Compassion is very vital to our lives, I will say that it is like the air that we breathe, because if there is no Compassion there would be a lot of selfless and heroic deeds of humans in the history. How I imagine how a world would be without the countless humans who risks their own lives to save and help others during their suffering.
Imagine a world without people who runs into a burning house to safe or rescued the victims of the trauma.
Benefits Of Compassion

  • compassion helps to relieve stress and
    depression in a person who suffers pains

  • it improves health and the well being of individual

  • it increases the cooperation and better life among people and gives someone a satisfaction in job and organizational commitment

  • compassion serves as a medication to a patient's who suffered pains, anxiety and fear, also it is very important role in both healings and coping.

  • Compassion strengthen the bonds of a relationship

Have You Shown Someone Compassion Before

My answer is affirmative YES

How I did it
To be compassionate is not just telling someone that I care rather it means to feel deeply for another person when they experience the pains, trials,ups and downs in their daily lives that is to say treat them with love, empathy and most importantly understanding.

  • I have shown someone compassion by suffering with passion with them

  • by feeling what they feel and feel joy, pains and sorrow whatever it is with them.

  • I always listen, communicate with sincerity verbally and show them kindness.

  • I show compassion to someone through my actions that is to say I volunteer for good causes, compassion is my attitude

  • I encourage others, and respect their privacy.

**How Someone That I Showed Compassion Felt

She was grateful, happy and feel relaxed from her suffering, distress and pains.

Has Someone Shown You Compassion Before?

IMG_20201031_105921_610_1633939194269.jpgmy neighbor that compasionate help me when I was sick

Positively YES
My neighbor Showed me compassion, this happened three months ago when I was very sick and couldn't go out to buy drugs for myself and i did not even inform her that I am not feeling well, but since she didn't see me coming outside since morning, so she came and knock on my door and I crawled to open the door for her, when she saw me on that state she was moved with compassion to go out under a scorching sun 🌞 to buy me some medicine and also cook for me and keep on checking on me from time to time till I get well, one funny of her is that she called my siblings and told them that I am not feeling fine that they should come and take me to the hospital, even when I warn her not to because I knew that once my siblings hears that they will be worried about my health.

How I felt
A word can not expressed my gratitude for her deeds of compassion towards me.
I was happy and grateful to her, I felt relieved from my pains.

How I Expressed My Compassion To Someone

The girl that I compassionately help when her mom died

This is a little girl who lost her mother and she was depressed and looked stranded in life.
So when I saw her in this situation I moved with compassion to help her, I decided to took her along with me to come and stay with me till the trauma goes away from her, I care for her needs and her education. She's is now in her secondary School,

Do You Think Compassion Is a Virtue That Should Be Cultivate And Demonstrate By Everyone In a Practical Way

Compassion is a good quality and a virtue that should be cultivate and demonstrate by all in a practical way, it is a virtue that may transform our life, it guides us to do things that we otherwise would not do, it makes our minds clearer and also opens our heart and more over compassion makes our life becomes fuller when we Cultivate and also prratice it.
Compassion makes us humans to be lovable, it makes us to put ourselves in other people's shoes, all of us want love and affection all these things makes life beautiful.people that are compasionate do not only symphatize and emphasize they actively show help, relieved the suffering of others, it is not only about thought, feeling and emotion but it is also about moving with actions and gives solutions.

How Did You Learn To Show Compassion

  • I learn to be compasionate by being selfless, I placed my happiness in the other people happiness, I care for myself and also care for others and I am not selfish.

  • I learn to be compasionate by being friendly and humble, free from pride and I stop feeling superior to others, I don't act as if I know everything and I always admit to my mistake and learn to forgive others when they wrong me.

  • I get rid of hatred and I do not judge people or forcing to change to someone they do not like or want to be.

  • I appreciate the good things in people life, i listen carefully to people when they talk to me about their problems and I feel their pains and suffering, comfort them when they lost their love ones, when they suffer sickness or have a great failure in life and when they are ❤️ broken

  • I am kind and accept people in my life, support their dreams, appreciate , trust and bear with them.with all these things I become their role model.

Where I Learn To Be compassionate

  • I learn to be compasionate from the Bible, the Bible encourage me and everyone to be compasionate by imitating Jehovah the epitome of all the good quality including compassion and also from from our role model Jesus Christ.
    Jesus while walking the earth was so compassionate, he was moved with compassion to cure the sick ones,feed thousands of people, and preach the goodbwes of things to come in the future for them.

  • secondly charity begins at home, my parents and my siblings are my role models of compassion, they are so compassionate and always ready to help people relieved their pains, distress and suffering.

  • i also learned it from good friends and people around me.

How Would The World Be If Everyone Cultivate Compassion

The world would have been a good,a peaceful and happy place to live, if we have more compassionate people in this our planet Earth thete will be no hatred, no injustice and no violent on earth, love will flow everywhere,, tribalism,racism and war.

I am inviting @gracyakan, @iddy, @dequeen to join in this interesting contest


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