Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)-w14s1- Neglects in families, the effects on kids

in Steem Kids & Parents8 months ago
Hi, Greetings to all Respectful Parent's and adorable kids of our family Community

Warmly Welcomed in the new Season of first week. Being a mother too , I am feeling responsibility to share my participation in this engagement challenge. I am happy for those parents who are extra possessive to take about their kids comfort and health safety but from my own experience to see many parents are showing negligence to take care of thier kids.



That's really so sad to acknowledge non serious attitude of parents and in results kids are neglected badly and indulge in many negative activities and also impact harmful effects on thier life as well. Through this wonderful theme will be able to convey my message for those parents who are showing negligence behavior to fulfil thier prioritize to take care of kids .

What does neglect of responsibilities mean in a family

Being a parents too , When someone in a family neglects their expected responsibilities, it usually means that they are not doing their part to keep the family functioning as a unit. This could entail financial contributions, housework, parenting responsibilities, or providing emotional support. It could cause stress in family dynamics and have an effect on family members' general wellbeing.

Have you been neglected or seen anyone neglected? What are the effects on the kids

Yes, I have seen and experienced many cases studies of different families during my graduation level in internship level and in life too. Many parent's who are doing job at any working place from out of home , Parents who didn't given proper time to their kids , parents who haven't feelings of responsibility, care , love , attention and understand the problem of thier kids , these non serious attitude of parents badly effect on their kids.



There could be emotional, social, and mental difficulties as a result. In addition to low self-esteem and difficulties establishing positive relationships, children may feel abandoned. Their general mental health and academic performance may be negatively impacted by neglect, which may have long-term effects on them as adults. In order to give their children a stable and nurturing environment, families must confront and correct instances of neglect.

Your advice to parents who neglect their responsibilities towards their kids.

Kids are the precious gift for us from Allah. Ask from that couples who are married and awaiting for this blessing for couple for years. But they have no kid and thier life is black and white. Without kids at home , Home is not completed. So that It's crucial to act quickly to address and correct the situation if you find yourself failing in your duties to your kids..Also Keep in mind that it takes time and effort to make positive changes. Making a consistent effort to put your parental responsibilities first can result in better family dynamics and relationships.

Your advice to the kids who are neglected



I just want to say that It's crucial to keep in mind that you are not alone if you are a child experiencing neglect and that there are ways to cope and get support. You have to remind yourself that it's acceptable to seek assistance and to put your health first. You have a right to a secure and encouraging home. Never hesitate to call 911 or a helpline for assistance if you believe you are in immediate danger.

I would like to invite my Steemit fellows @suboohi @sualeha @waterjoe @graceleon @drhira to take part in very meaningful engagement challenge and shared your valuable feedback thanks

Kind Regards 💐



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Dear, reading your writing made me realize the neglected children. You have seen many neglected families. You really said children are innocent given by God. Children are neglected in families due to various reasons. Most of the time it is a quarrel between husband and wife. We fulfill the basic needs of children and give them a beautiful world. Good luck to you.

 8 months ago 

Yes dear your valuable feedback is really worthy for the healthier and happier life style of kids within a limited and comfort zone. Well thanks for your meaningful feedback.

 8 months ago 

Nice publication thanks dear for inviting me will try to participate soon

 8 months ago 

Thanks for appreciation. Warmly welcome to your publication 💐

It's true that children are precious gift from God and therefore need to be taken good care of by parents. May as many who are suffering and maybe have suffered neglect be comforted. Good luck in the contest!

 8 months ago 

Thanks for reviewing and shared your valuable perspective about the importance of kids in our life . Well good luck to you :)

 8 months ago 

Nice entry, all what you said is true, your advice is very correct. Keep it up

 8 months ago 

Thanks friend for reviewing and appreciating.

 8 months ago 

@uzma4882, You are right that mental and social problems are created due to neglect in the family. As a result, society gets involved in many anti-social activities and has negative effects. Your presentation is very nice. Wish you success in this engagement.

 8 months ago 

Yes, absolutely right neglecting their kids have strong badly effect on kids Social and mental health. Being parents we should need extra care and attention to their kids.

 8 months ago 

@uzma4882, thank you very much for your valuable comments.

Hola amiga uzma4882

El mundo está de cabezas amiga y venía a muchos padres no cumplir con sus responsabilidades afectando a sus propios hijos como resultado, los consejos que das para los que puedan sentir abandono están bien indicados, siempre es bueno recordarles que no están solos y que siempre pidan ayuda cuando lo necesitan.

Todos los padres o la mayoría desea tener hijos cuando se casan pero muchos cuando los tienen no los cuidan correctamente, también he visto muchas familias irresponsables donde el padre es un vago que no se esfuerza en lo mínimo por proveer para su familia, económicamente y menos emocional.

Me gustó leer su post amiga

Suerte en tu concurso



Son muy certeras sus respuestas al concurso
Me encantó mucho leer si publicación.
Veo que es un madre muy culta .

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