club5050- 3 important things in shaping a child's character

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Good evening and greetings to meet with @ustazkarim, and how
are you, of course the hope is that you will always be healthy and of course you will always be in good health,

At this meeting, I will tell things about the character of the child, because in shaping the character of the child is not easy and not as expected, this is due to the process and efforts of our own


To shape the character of children, of course, it is not the responsibility of the teacher alone at school, parents also have an important role in improving the character of the children in their environment.

In education, we know that the purpose of education is not only to give exams and memorize all reading formulas, but it is very important in growing children's character and character.

There are 3 factors that greatly affect the character and attitude of children, namely:



Education is something that must be given to children. Formal or non-formal education will automatically be able to shape the character of children in behaving and behaving in their environment



The environment where the child lives will greatly affect the character of the child, for example, the school environment where many children have harsh words, this will also be done by our children, violence in the school environment will also have an impact on the formation of negative characters.


The child's character will affect based on the child's life experience in the environment, with what the child has felt as a child it will be carried over when the child grows up.

Rude children are not purely from the child's fault, this is due to harsh treatment so that he can set an example.

For example, parents who hit their children when their children get bad grades, then this will be their attitude in treating other people, and of course, according to him, violence is not a bad thing.

So for things that affect the character of the child, hopefully it will be useful.


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Gracias por compartir este contenido tan hermoso, e s importante saber cuales son las cosas que hacen feliz a los niños y todo lo que les rodea influye mucho, por eso tenemos que guiarlos.

Steemexclusive, Si
Estatus : Club5050
Beneficiario : Si
Bot voto : No
Delegación :Si.

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