Writing Expedition: Health Monday|| Catarrh by @usoro01

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year (edited)


Good day fellow Steemians and steamkids. It's a bright Monday today and I want talk about the famous illness called catarrh.


As little and trivial as this illness may sound, it could lead to severe discomfort and pain. This could come in form of an illness or symptoms to other health issues.
Catarrh refers to a condition where there's an increase or accumulation of mucus in the nose, sinuses or throat. It also affect the nasal mucous membrane.

Catarrh could result from different factors like allergies, infections, changes in hormones, eating spicy food, irritation or certain environmental triggers like cigarette smoke and pollution.

Some symptoms of catarrh
  • Blocked nose: this is also called nasal congestion could come from cold or irritated tissues in the nostrils.

  • Runny nose: just like blocked nose can occur as a result of cold, nasal irritations or weak immune system which cannot fight simple bacterial.

  • Cough: this is a major symptom for many others diseases or infection. With catarrh, the cough may be persistent and dry.

  • Losing the sense of smell or taste: this is temporary. You lose your ability to smell and test due to nasal congestion. It could be a sign of chronic or persistent catarrh.

  • Clearing the throat constantly: this, just like other symptoms could identify with other health issues but it is common with catarrh. It comes with a frequent feeling to swallow or cough so as to clear the throat.

Some Ways to prevent catarrh

Catarrh is associated with a variety of factors, making it difficult to prevent. However, they are some steps or activities we can carry out daily to reduce the risk of developing this illness. They include;

  • Staying hydrated: aside the need to prevent catarrh, drinking enough water or juice has proven to be beneficial to our body and health.

  • Avoid the triggers: if you noticed you get catarrh from triggers like irritants, you can avoid those triggers and stay away from polluted areas.

  • Humidifier: since catarrh is also associated with dry air, the use of a humidifier at home which increases the humidity in air could prevent catarrh.

  • Cleaning: constantly cleaning your environment could also prevent catarrh which is developed due to contact with allergies.

Its is very important we do everything possible to prevent any illness and to stay healthy at all times because health they say, is wealth.

Thank you @steemkidss for organizing this insightful contest. I also want to invite @bossj23 , @vudeme123 and @uduak3287 to participate.


 last year 

Hello @usoso01, thank you for publishing your content in our community,

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 last year 

Please change your images as they are not copy right free. You can get images from pixabay.com

 last year 

Thank you for the correction.
I have changed the images.

I actually thought it was accepted 'cause it was recommended to me from my previous Monday post.

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