SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

in Steem Kids & Parents10 months ago
This is @urmilanath650 from @bangladesh

How are you friends?? Hope all of you are well by the grace of Almighty. Although I'm sick for last few days. Today I'm here to participate in the contest, Charity begins at home" organized by dear @steemkidss. Many thanks to @steemkidss for selecting this beautiful topic for contest.

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Charity is an important subject for worldwide happiness. Charity is exclusively needed for making a nice society and a nice universe indeed. Charity makes the bonding stronger among people. Without charity a balanced society cannot be build up. And the behaviour of charity begins at home where people learn all the basic things like responsibility. When we serve our family members nicely we can serve others by different deeds like charity.

👉What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Charity is a great act. We can serve mankind by virtue of charity. Practice of charity help us broaden our mind. It brings blessings in life from people. Charity is a nice reflection of kindness, condolences and purity of heart. I think charity is a must to build up a balanced and blissful society.

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Yes charity should begin at home. Home is the central zone of our manner and mindset. Everything starts from home. A person learn firstly from parents and family members. Mantality builds up depending on his/her very first observations at home. When we see our parents and senior family members involved in charitable works, we can easily achieve this virtue. Positive thought to charity also generated by giving things necessary for others like family members and neighbours.

👉What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others?

We can help needy peoples by charity work. The more we confer satisfaction to others, the more blessings and peace we can gather in life. Charity is a main religious factor. God bestows His blessings on us when we are heartily involved in charity works.
Charity increases interactions among people. It make us more active, more delightful and more lively. We can gather experience and knowledge by joining in charity works.

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The positive or negative aspect of broadcasting of own charity works depends on the mindset of us. If we broadcast to show off it is not good at all. But if we broadcast our works to inspire other people in such great works it is good. Because the more people become involved in charity works, the more needy people will be benefited. For instance charity works are broadcast in television during any disaster like flood. By this people become aware of the situation and inspired to take part in charity by any possible medium.

👉When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home??

When I started my first tuition I gave my first income to my parents. They were satisfied and happy. I bought fruits for our Lord and offered Him. I also gave treat my younger brother and sister. Last time I offered some of my savings to my father. Father became pleased and exploited the money to give house rent.

👉Your advice to others about charity.

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God is present in every creature. When we help people for their well being God become pleased. So practice of charity is required.
Charity brings more prosperity in our life so that we can help more people. People helped by us remind us with a good mood and bless us. This blessing helps us go a long way in life.
We should give others as much as possible. We should not gather wealth like a mountain. We should think about surrounding peoples and try to remove their sorrows in any possible way like by giving food, cloth, money etc.
Here I am ending my discussion on charity. I have tried to answer the given questions. Hope you like my writing and thought.
I invite @goodybest @heriadi @wilmer1988 @methila2009 to pareticipate in this contest if they didn't yet.

Thank you for reading my blog!!
 10 months ago 

Charity is an incredible act that allows us to serve humanity and make a positive impact. When we practice charity, it helps us expand our perspective and opens our minds to the needs of others. Not only does it bring blessings from people, but it also reflects kindness, compassion, and the purity of our hearts.

I completely agree that charity is essential for building a balanced and joyful society. It all begins at home, where we learn important values from our parents and family members. When we witness their involvement in charitable works, it inspires us to follow their footsteps. Even small acts of giving within our own families and neighborhoods can cultivate a positive mindset towards charity.

Charity work allows us to help those in need and bring satisfaction to others, which in turn brings blessings and peace into our own lives. It's not just a religious duty, but also a way to connect and interact with people. By participating in charity works, we become more active, joyful, and gain valuable experiences and knowledge.

Let's continue spreading kindness through charity and making the world a better place together.

Many thanks for your so valuable comment. Yes charity is best way to spread kindness throughout the world.. I appreciate


Hello friend
Charity should begin from our homes, it's really interesting to learn this cakes portrayed by family members. Indeed good charitable activities attracts blessings from people who remind us of how good we have been to them and also attracts blessings on our lives. Success in the challenge my dear friend

Many thanks for your nice comment

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