Club5050||Guidelines For Staying Healthy||Beneficiary Rewards 10% steemkidss

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Guidelines For Staying Healthy.

We ruin our health even in ignorance. We do not know many things. So we can't take care of our body as a whole. Our schools and colleges do not pay attention to this essential education. Our students know everything about geography and astronomy. They can tell the dates and speeds of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the creation of old and new planets, but they do not know the meaning of the proverb of darkness under the lamp, the organs of their body and their behavior.

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Therefore, the main cause of our diseases is our own negligence, ignorance and irregularity. If we get acquainted with the principles of health, use our bodies carefully and follow the natural principles properly, we can eradicate most diseases. We need to control ourselves. Diseases are the result of our anomalies. Only by eliminating diseases will we be able to live a full life. Proper adherence to the principles of fitness can increase the strength of the body for at least another 30 years.

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One more thing. Many of our illnesses are fictitious or imaginary. They are born imaginary and can be driven away by imaginary power. One day you may think that you have a fever. Then see if there is a fever or not and if nothing else then you will definitely start feeling sluggish and hot and you will not be able to do any work. Then bring to mind that nothing has happened to you but your laziness will go away immediately.
With good health not only is man able to cope with illnesses but the greatest reward he receives from nature as a result is the joy of old age in which he will never suffer from long and complicated illnesses. The former also does not occur.
The bottom line is that sticking to these principles doesn't cost you anything, just a little bit of willpower. So what is the thing in the world that man can carry without any intention?

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  • Good food, so good health!

Experience has shown that the simpler a person dresses and the simpler their diet, the longer they live and stay healthy. Rishi, Mani, Auliya, Sadhu, Faqir and Darwish people usually live for one hundred and fifty years by eating fruits and fresh vegetables. They believe that impurity of heart is the root cause of all diseases and purity of heart is the source of all comforts. Simple diet, moderation in nature and increase in age.

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The best food is what our grandparents used to eat. What did they eat Bread, rice, lentils, milk, yogurt, buttermilk, turnips, radishes, greens, sugar, gar, they usually ate from the same thing. Sometimes with buttermilk, sometimes with greens, sometimes with lentils, with such simple food he remained healthy and strong. Today we can't live without two, three or four vegetables. Salona, ​​sweet and sour are all considered to be in our plate every time. It has become necessary to make ghee useless and heavy by cooking and burning it in vegetables. Also pickles, licks, lemons, ice cream, ice cream, ice-cold bottles or any ice-cold fruit that will make your teeth cold. Today's delicacies are plentiful, and then there is the proliferation of potatoes, meat herbs, hard-boiled eggs, oil fritters, flour products, rubber, khoya, tea and cigarettes, with the result that digestion is impaired in food. Does not produce as much pure blood as is necessary for our physical development. Therefore, even after consuming a very powerful medicine, today instead of growing, we are declining and our food and drink get mixed in the soil.
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If you want to maintain your youth for a long time, you should be very careful about food, do not eat more than twice a day. Eat only as much food as is necessary for your health because overeating and eating something all the time weakens the physical machinery. Live it That is the key to Shabab.
Here are just a few things to keep in mind when it comes to diet Food should be soft or hard, well chewed. Food should be grinded well with teeth and mixed with saliva, otherwise it will not be easily digested.There are teeth in the stomach, no matter what the food, if it is chewed and mixed with saliva, it can do no harm.The hardest thing will digest and make blood and flesh.Food should not be rushed. It should take at least half an hour and even if it takes one hour, there is no problem.Since it takes a long time to eat slowly and chew, you will get up from the table without realizing that I am eating too late, which will prevent overeating forever.

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You should rest for at least 15-20 minutes after eating. Walking fast after eating is very harmful and running is an invitation to death. Give your stomach a full chance to do its job. Don't eat anything in between. The stomach will never be upset again.
Do not eat hot and cold foods at the same time. Also, don't eat food that is unfavorable to the weather and against your will. Otherwise the food will not be digested properly. Food is also a science and we must choose our diet carefully.

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There is no need to mention anything about drinks. Fortunately, alcohol is not part of the diet in Pakistan. Alcohol should not even be mentioned. In fact, there is nothing better to drink than milk. It has a high place in the whole world. He alone nurtured us in childhood. He alone can fulfill all the needs of the body. If one's body is weak and emaciated and his health is ruined, then he can regain his lost health and become strong only through milk. Milk is a companion fruit. Even after being answered by the doctors, many patients recover by consuming only fruits and milk.

You may wish that you did not have any discomfort or complaints from eating at any time. You can fulfill that desire. It is very important to eat on time and chew the food thoroughly. Make it a habit to eat at regular intervals and chew food well. Eating one meal at a time in a panic or in a hurry without chewing completely can eliminate foods that have been eaten correctly many times before.

  • Do not eat more than twice.

  • And fast two or three times a month.

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Eating more than two meals a day is also a sign of overeating. Eat small meals but three or four meals a day. The principle of eating is not correct.One of the major disadvantages of frequent meals is that it has to keep busy all the time and does not get any rest for a while. The result is that within 10 to 15years.The liver and intestines do not tolerate this hard work and start showing weakness through various symptoms and in old age man becomes a permanent patient of stomach ailments.You can use fruits and many salads between these twomeals.There is no problem in using syrup in summer and tea in winter.


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 2 years ago 

health is important for children, as parents should be able to take care of children for a healthier life, thank you for sharing.

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