in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Hello, my good friends, it is my pleasure to participate in this sensitive contest, I called it sensitive because it is focused on what humanity as a whole needs or yarn for and I am indebted to @steemkidss and all her leaders for giving folks including me this great opportunity to express what love really mean to them.


What do you understand about love?

Many people define love in many ways depending on how they understand it, but there is how I myself understand love as well. May I bring to your notice that there are different kinds of love but the one I want to talk about here is the most important, the paramount, and that is agape love? This love is express unselfishly.
So, in a nutshell, I will say that love is unselfish, selfless expression of sacrifice from one person to another.
It will also interest you to know that I imitate this from my creator, of course, he stands to be the only person that has such love to a higher degree. So, I won’t be wrong if I say he owns love or he is love. Family and friends also copy this. This is love and I wish all kids in this community imitate this kind of love. Love comes with sacrifice.

Who can show love and why?

Somehow this question might be funny to some folks, but trust me it is worth clarifying the air on this and my take on this is: All mankind has the responsibility to show or express love for each other, no one is left out on this irrespective of the circumstances. So, I have the responsibility, the kids do and even our beloved friends of kids here.
The reason is that we all see love every day, let me tell you what, the air we breathe every day itself is love from our creator. That alone is even enough reason for us to love other mankind.


Have you shown love to someone, how did you do it and how did the recipient feel?

Of course, I have shown love to so many people on so many occasions and I am still doing it. I have done that by giving folks tips from the holy book on how to live a meaningful life even in this troubled world we are living in.
I have also done that to my family, friends, and neighbors as I follow some vital admonitions from the holy book in regards to how to treat these individuals with love. fortunately, some of these recipients I mentioned reciprocate in a favorable way, sadly some don’t. But it doesn’t change the fact that I have come to appreciate the term love and what is involved.


Has anyone shown love to you before and how did you feel when love was shown to you?

My answer is yes. My creator has and is still showing love to me, my family is not left out, my friends. Would you be surprised if I say some of my acquaintances have also shown me, love, on many occasions? No, you shouldn’t. I felt loved the more when all these people I mentioned showed me, love, I felt appreciated.

Express your love for someone in a practical way

For example, I help folks recover compromised accounts and I charge them. But it will interest you to know that I have also done that to so many folks without charging them, that’s an act of love. I spent most quality of my time with family and friends doing little things that really count and make them feel loved. I checked on my friends constantly through calls and texts.

Do you think love is a virtue that everyone should develop and demonstrate in a practical way?

Yes, it is and it doesn’t just happen, mankind as a whole needs to should cultivated it. After which, it should be express not in words alone but mostly in action.

How did you learn to show love and where?

First, I learned from my family because that was the first circle, I found myself and as I grew up, I came to appreciate my creator’s love more. Now it is part of me.

How would the world look if everyone cultivated these qualities?

The truth is If mankind keeps practicing love that is well cultivated, then the world will become a better place that is safe, not just for adults but our lovely kids, but until then, may we start practicing love our self because it actually does exist.


Love is not just what we express in words but action, may we all start practicing love if we have not started that already and if we are already practicing love may we keep up such good track as it is going to impact a lot to our lovely kids here and humankind in general.

50% reward of this post goes to @skids-charity


Me encantó leerte @ubongudofot, gracias por participar en este hermoso concurso, nos mostraste la definición del amor de una manera muy clara. Que bueno es dar y recibir amor. Saludos.

Wow this is great

 3 years ago 

Thank you @ fonzi

 3 years ago 

gracias @mariajruizb, me alegro que les haya gustado mi escrito y gracias por visitar mi página

I love your definition of love

So, in a nutshell, I will say that love is unselfish, selfless expression of sacrifice from one person to another.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much @patience90 for going through my content.

Honestly, love is not by mouth. It requires actions

 3 years ago 

Exactly my point, thank you for going through my post.

You are welcome dear

 3 years ago 

So, in a nutshell, I will say that love is unselfish, selfless expression of sacrifice from one person to another.

I couldn't have agreed less. Great post!

Thank for helping me know what love is

On point, love is action,
Wish you success in the contest.

 3 years ago 

For sure it is, thank you very much @desiredlady

You have indeed brought out the best kind of love, continue expressing this love,and thanks for sharing

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