Children Emotions, how to overwhelm it by @ubongudofot

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Hello steemkids and kids lover, welcome to my blog today. I love kids and I'm always around them, I have noticed that children are emotional. Today I want to explain my observation.

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What is Emotion

First, let’s Starts with what we understand by the term EMOTION and for a better understanding for the sake of our children here, I’ll use simple English.

In a nutshell, emotion can be defined as sensitivity or a feeling such as sadness happiness, love, fear, anger, or hatred, which sometimes can be caused by the State or situation that one is in or the people around are in.

Kids as tender as one year start to convey emotions, and whether you agree with me or not or whether you realize that or not, that's when you started showing them back. Relating with kids about their feelings, and willingly offering kids strategies for coping with emotionally difficult situations is one way we or parents can help these young ones when experiencing this emotion of any kind remember the goal is to empathize, reassure, and also teach.

Why it is important to give kids emotional support.

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This might sound like a surprise to some, but you see, irrespective of their physical bodies being small, the same cannot be said for their emotional response or reactions. Just like we adults faced tough times, negativity, and so on, Young children also encounter lots of frustrations and reasons for negativity. Most times they are attacked by emotions like fear, sadness, anxiety, and even anger.
But where it became a little challenging is how they can handle it by themselves, the reason is that Parts of their brain that helps in self-regulation is still under development at this point of tender age, so that means that if we expect a 2,3,4 or even 10-year-old child to treat or handle disappointment in the same way that a 25 to 30-year-old does then we are absolutely wrong.

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However, these young children have zero of our life experiences. They are just novice who is just beginning to learn how emotions operate. They are not as competent at decoding other people’s feelings and intentions. And these are the more reasons they need opportunities to learn and practice.

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What to do when a child is overwhelmed by emotions.

  • Address the Emotion
  • Help Your Child Ground
  • Preempt the Emotion
  • Raise Self-Awareness
  • Model Self-Regulation Skills
  • Build Your Tolerance for Their Distress


Though it is not easy to watch our children been overwhelmed by emotions, like being Frustrated, panic, and stressed. To assist them to cope with this, it is important that we don’t get too concerned and intertwined in their feelings if not we may indirectly add to the overwhelm situation rather than help to calm the situation. Do not take a child’s overwhelm personally.

Special regards

10% reward of this post goes to @steemkidss

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing this interesting article with us.

 3 years ago 

You are welcome bro@ iddy and i'm grateful you've gone through it.

 3 years ago 

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as one of the best post of today. Continue sharing your quality contents with us here, apart from the intelligence Quotient (IQ) there are others quotient Which included Emotional Quotient (EQ) we need to teach our children all this quotients because there are so important

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much @steemkidss, ofcourse i will continue to post quality contents here and i can assure you that this is just the beginning, i'm a lover of children.

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