SEC17 WK:#3: large and small families, likes and dislikes

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month

Good morning to the great parents and kids in this prestigious community, happy new week to you all. It is a beautiful Monday morning here in Nigeria and all the creations are in waiting to hear you give a command or make some declarations in order to carry them out in your favour. So in order for a thing to be established you have to decree.

It's so amazing seeing another thought provoking topic in this week 3, still on family. I say good dos to the organizers @steemkidss, more inciting insight to you.

And I still remain your girl @tripple-e.


I want to share with us an elementary meaning of what a family is; A family consists of; father, mother and children. That is, a group of people living together.
But since the concept of family is constantly changing or evolving, I don't think there's just one definition of a family, because what matters most is the love shared and felt among the people and also having a sense of belonging and acceptance.

And there are two types of family:
1: Extended family; which consists of father, mother, children, grandparents, cousins, nephews, nieces, step brothers and sisters, step mothers and fathers etc, the list can go on and on.

2: Nuclear family: This simply consists of father, mother and children.

But for the purpose of this contest, the emphasis is on nuclear family.

What is my choice of a family size, do I like large size(plenty children) or I prefer small size family (2- 3 children)?

This is 👆a typical picture of a large size family (plenty children).
I wouldn't say having a large size family is bad, it is just an individual differences and how capacitated you are to be able to Carter and take care of your family members comfortably without being a burden to the society.
Please note the word comfortably.
After all in the olden days our forefathers and mothers used to give birth to many children as possible, some 15, 20 and so on. I have heard of a family whose grandfather married 9 wives and gave birth to 40 something children and I was like wow!. That's is really large. Maybe then, not even maybe, let me say then, things were not this hard and the cost of living was not expensive.


Now, let's look at their likes and dislikes


• In a large family, there's tend to be variety of personalities, in which children would be exposed to a wide range of interest, and this can help foster understanding and tolerance as they are growing up.
• Also in a large family children can learn from the older siblings and make them their role models.
• In a large family you will get support and help; because there would be more hands for chores, and that will make the workload less stressful. And also you'll have enough people to celebrate your successes.


• By having so many people around, it can be so noisy and chaotic, thereby causing the environment to be very loud.
• Some children can feel lost in the crowd, especially for the timid ones, they won't be heard.
• Having your private time can be very challenging, especially in homes that are small. So there will be lack of privacy.
• When you have so many people to Carter for, you will have financial constraints to meet all their needs.


A small family size, say like three children, two girls and one boy
This is where my choice is:-

the father has gone to hustle 😀

My darlings, due to the economy situation in my country presently, I wouldn't advice even my enemies to give birth to plenty children before you'll die of high blood pressure.

I would have preferred just one but something might decides to happen to that one and you become childless, although nobody prays for evil to struck but we can not rule it out, as we are living in the last days,so anything can happen but God forbids.

Giving birth is not a problem but your ability to be able to Carter for the needs of those innocent children and train them to become something in future, so that in your old age, they in turn will take care of you as their parents. But in a situation that they are not sent to school, nor learn a skill in order to be useful, they'll become a thing of shame and problematic to you and the society at large.


• The children will have their quiet time and privacy as well to relax and think about their future.
• Children tends to get more attention from their parents,as there's no much competition from other siblings.
• They will have a strong bond relationship with their parents, as there are no contenders.


• An only child may feel very lonely and crave for the company of other siblings.
• There will be less help around the house in terms of doing house chores, the work would be more on fewer individuals.
• The children will lack playmates to play with and that can make them seek it outside.



It is important to note that every large family is very unique and their operations depends on the family culture and the personalities involved.

And also the happiness of every family depends on the quality of relationship they shared and the bonds between them, by being supportive and able to meet the needs of others.

Thank you for your time


I invite the following persons to participate @blezzy @comfortpeter @aviral123


Even if one has the desire to have more children, you see my country Nigeria? Even if you think you are rich don't attempt it, having more children means, not just provision of food, clothing and shelter, it means good education, good standard of living and good upbringing.

I don't think anyone would need advice on how many children they should have, we have all have to make our choices wisely.

Best wishes in the contest dear.

You are absolutely right. No one needs advice on the number of children to have.


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Thanks for the honour, this truly means a lot to me.

Pembahasan yang menarik beserta kesimoulan yang memukau. Keluarga kecil maupun besar memang memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing. Semua tergantung dari niat hati kita, apakah kita menginginkannya. Kita juga harus mengetahui dan memahasi situasi terutama kondisi ekonomi yang harus mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga, serta tidak mengsia-siakan anak-anak kita. Sukses untuk anda dan keliarga anda.

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Peace & Love!

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 last month (edited)
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

Each family structure has its benefits and challenges, but ultimately, the well-being and happiness of the family members should be the priority. The key is to ensure that all children are well-catered for and given the necessary tools to succeed in life.

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Score (quality/rules)9/10

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Curated by : @sohanurrahman

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

My pleasure

You have made mention of the the current economy situation of your country which Is something spouse would really have to consider before taking action on making decision of having large or small family, In times like this, people should see their capacity in other to know how it can help them when building a family..your post is really nice, thanks for sharing.

 last month 

The desire to have a large or small family depends on each individual especially the new couple that want to being the journey of a family life.

Every one has see the way things is and also the size of your account should also tell you on where to stand.

You are absolutely right

Having many kids is not a problem, and I love that a few countries still have this culture. Good luck with your contest!

Thank you for your contribution

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