SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

in Steem Kids & Parents7 months ago (edited)

Hello friends of this outstanding community, welcome to a new week challenge. Special thanks to the community for the topic choice as it seemingly goes with the period of the year when people share gifts with friends and loved ones.

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Charity is an outward act of love from a person to another. It can be in a form of kind which is gifts, cash or actions like helping the person in doing something. Charity is a very special virtue of someone.

Reflecting on the topic this songs comes to my mind, a song from the Cameroon hymnal (hymn 26) which many Catholic Christians know Charity is patient, steadfast love, how kind it is?! Feeling never envy, never is perverse. Great Charity. It's a beautiful song with great words which gladdens the soul

What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Charity to me is simply a show of love and giving to everyone around you no matter who the person is. It is a Christian and moral virtue which we portray to people especially through giving. To me it is the simplest way of loving someone and putting a smile on others face. It is something which entails you being close to the person your offering help to. If you can't love then you can't do charity although so many people do it for social gains.

This is something which I feel I part of us all and to enhance its moves in us comes from our homes. If you are not taught by your parents that showing love to one another is a good thing then you will definitely not do so. Everything we are today comes from our parental up bringing. The family is the foundation from which we all grow so good morals learned in live always comes from the home. I say so with experience from my family. Every aspect of love and kindness I learned it from my family especially my mother and grandparents.

It is very important for parents to bring up children morally so that tomorrow we can have a good society. If a parent doesn't show act of kindness and support towards neighbors family and loved ones the child will grow following suit. Although some children are nonchalant and won't want to learn the good morals of life but as parents don't gives up on them

What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

Charity for me is something which comes from the heart. It's motivating factor should come from the being human and feeling for others in their pains, worries and heartaches. It means a lot to the person.

The society in which we live in now I am sorry to say don't do charity at all. Many people are fighting for their social gains in the process of pretending to do charity. It's saddening to see people go for charity works and instead of giving and leave they take pictures and publish on social media. What do you think you're doing? Charity? I don't think so. It is not good to expose these poor persons situation to the world. These people will not be happy you're doing so to them but out of desperation they won't refuse the gifts.

" Source

Personally if I find myself in a desperate situation and you help me and want to take pictures I won't accept your gifts. It is totally inhumane for me and to be candid the person won't bless you as he or she was supposed to bless you. Instead of helping you are demoralising the person and causing psychological unbalance situations which is not good.

When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

Having an unannounced meal with my neighbors children

Concerning charity works I can say I do it almost everyday. It is not something that I must plan for a long period to do before I engage. I was brought up by my grandparents to help people every time in my life even if I don't have I shouldn't stop helping. When it comes to help I mostly work with children and the elderly. I show them love in various ways like giving gifts, helping them with chores and others. I am presently taking care of my sick family members (brother and step father) for about two months now. I see it as a duty to care for them and show them love and it has not been an easy task but I enjoy doing it.

There have been times I have assisted prisoners especially femal prisoners in gaining a skill. I have trained 12 female inmates under my father's supervision. This was when he was the prison superintendent and I loved doing it. This created an impact the lives of these ladies and today so many of them thank me always.

Also many times my sisters, mother and I prepared food to the prisoners especially on days like Christmas and other festive days. It is our own way to celebrating the day with day and they are always happy to eat food from the house.

Your advice to others about charity

Charity is equal to love or kindness and generosity. This is something which you express your inner feelings towards someone. Doing charity works doesn't need us to go public so let's try to respect the person's we do charity to. That's a great show of love to me and not social media love. If you know you're not doing charity for the right purpose don't do it at all.

Thank you all for visiting my post. I invite @chasad75, @xkool and @ninapenda to join the contest.



Saludos tenguhatanga! 🌟 Tu narrativa es profundamente conmovedora y rebosante de sabiduría. Explorar la esencia de la generosidad desde tu perspectiva resulta enriquecedor. La conexión que estableces entre la benevolencia y el hogar como pilar moral es impactante; comparto plenamente esa visión.

La armonía que compartes añade una dimensión hermosa. 🎶 Relatas vivencias personales que destacan la importancia de inculcar la bondad desde el hogar, algo que realmente resuena. La autenticidad de tu compromiso diario con la generosidad, especialmente hacia los niños y los ancianos, es digna de admiración y conmueve.

Tu crítica sobre la exposición en redes sociales de los actos generosos es perspicaz. 📸 El llamado a hacer el bien sin buscar reconocimiento público es valioso. Tu dedicación a ayudar a los demás, incluso en tiempos difíciles, es fuente de inspiración.

Gracias por compartir tus vivencias y perspectivas sobre la generosidad. 💖 Ofreces un recordatorio valioso sobre la auténtica esencia del amor y la generosidad. ¡Éxito en tu continuo viaje de hacer el bien! 🌈✨

This comment has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

Thanks a lot dear friend for your kind words and compliments. Every one has a degree of kindness in us only we just ignore it and not let it out. It actually feels good and sweet helping others. The peace you have is so profound that you can't compare with any other thing.

Acts of charity is a great thing for us all

 7 months ago 

Anda benar, amal adalah salah satu cara kita untuk menunjukkan cinta kepada orang lain yang membutuhkan, anda menulis postingan yang sangat bagus, semoga kita sukses di kontes ini

This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

 7 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope are having good time there.

For you charity is an outward act of love from a one person to another. This love can be in a form of gifts, cash or actions like helping the person in doing something. You think charity is a very special virtue of someone. Yes dear ofcourse I agree to all your statement here. Charity is all about good things, love and care. It's ofcourse the greatest virtue of someone.

I wish you very best of luck here in the contest.

For sure charity is an outward show of love to the people around us. Experiencing it is actually good and helps us discover ourselves more.
Thanks for sharing visiting my post friend

 7 months ago 

Charity is an expression of love towards people which brings a smile to the face of the helpless. You're right you can't be charitable if you can't love them. Charity comes from within oneself by seeing the suffering of the helpless. Not for charity broadcast. It is best to donate in secret.

Charity in its entirety is love. It's unfortunate many people do social media love and not real love. That's total exploitation of people rights and dignity. Let's avoid doing that .

Thanks for visiting dear friend

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much for taking part in this engagement challenge and I am very happy that you are stick to this perspective that we should start any act of Charity from our home as well as you have also share that which thing inspired and motivate you to continue these kind of things I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge in which you put enough efforts

Thank you for your kind words dear friend. The home is where everything begins and so everything comes from.pur homes especially the good moral lessons of our lives. These lessons can't be ignored so we must learn and practice them

 7 months ago 

Your comment is very appreciate able for me and I am happy that you take your time and respond on my comment as well as I am happy that you are well aware of that truth that everything that we learn the it is good or it is bad it is always from our home that's why it is said that a person is judged by his character and his character reflects his family

 7 months ago 

You're absolutely right, Charity is all about showing love and giving to everyone around you, no matter who they are. It's a way to put a smile on someone's face and show them that you care. And you're spot on about the importance of being taught these values from a young age. Our families play a big role in shaping who we become and the morals we carry with us. It's crucial for parents to instill kindness and support in their children so that we can create a better society for the future. Keep spreading the love and kindness, my friend.

Thanks bro for your I insights. I will applaud our parents for all the lessons they taught us everyday untill we can think of our own. That's a whole.lotbof job and so the home is an embodiment of love and knowledge. So we must love and care for each other because we have been taught and showed how to

 7 months ago 

Indeed our parents are the key components and our inspiration. You are very correct. Happy New Year and best of luck

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