Steemit Engagement Challenge S6/W1 - The Joy Of Parenthood

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Good day Steemians, I welcome everyone to another season of the Engagement Challenge and I'm so happy to drop my first entry for the season in this community with the talk about "The Joy of Parenthood". Go with me as I share with you my understanding of Parenthood and the joy that comes with being a parent.

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Parenthood can be defined as the state of being a parent (which is having a child or children) with the responsibilities that comes with it. The responsibilities that come with being a parent include showing love, care to your kids, protection, provision, giving them the best, and guiding them the right way. Now I will be discussing the joy of parenthood.

What joys are experienced by parents for becoming parents?

The joy experienced by parents starts from when they get to know the woman is conceived, there is this joy that comes with getting pregnant for your husband, the man you love and cherish, the same thing goes for the man, knowing God has given you the gift of your love for your woman in her tummy, the joy of being fruitful and no barren, there are many couples that are medically proven okay but there is no fruit (children) in their marriage. So all these bring undiluted joy to the couple hearing they are going to be a parent.

The first kick of the baby in its mother's tummy brings immense joy to the soon-to-be parent, and while talking to the baby and its reaction proves to you that there is a life in there, it tells the mother she is not alone anymore but with a baby your children, blood and adorable bundle of joy. Then the parent began caring for the baby so that even if the mother doesn't feel like eating, the couple would still ensure the woman eats so that the baby can be healthy, they would follow all instructions in order to ensure the baby is fine.

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Despite all the cravings, backache, pregnancy hormones, and labor pain, immediately the mother set her eye on that tiny baby/babies, all the stress flew away and all she would felt was a joy seeing what she and her husband made with the help of God, and the husband looking at his baby will erase all the stress of tolerating his woman pregnancy hormone and demands because carrying at the baby shows that it worth all the stress, the parent would be so happy seeing the baby and their care for the baby becomes double.

The presence of the baby brings joy, peace, and love to the family most especially to the parent, they love, cherish, protect and care for the baby because he/she is their little version, their blood, and their child. Every parent loves touching, holding, and watching their kids.

Furthermore, their joy continues when they watch the kid first in everything, first teeth, first crawl, the first step, the first word especially when she calls Mama and Papa, first laughter, first day in school, and so on, every parent love seeing their children the first time and it gladdens their heart watching the kid grow, learn and see how cute and amazing they become. No parent got bored looking at his/her kid because they feel joyful looking at them.

What does this joy prompt them to do for their kids?

The joy of parenthood makes them do anything and everything to ensure their kid/kids are safe, protected, feel loved, live a good, happy, healthy, and fulfilling life, and be successful and contented. Part of these responsibilities are done through some point I will be discussing below.

Providing for the child/children's needs: These provisions include feeding, clothing, a well-secure place to live where they will be comfortable and loved, also the provision of essential things they need. Even if the parent did not have much, their children well being comes first, and they would ensure the kids eat good food, wear nice cloth and shoes and live in a secure house, regardless of whether the parent eats or not.

Protection against Harm and Proper Supervision: This starts from inside the house, by carefully arranging home apparatus in the right places, whatever that would harm or hurt them will be placed where they can not reach, follow by guiding them on where to go, who to play or move with, correcting them with love when they are wrong and ensuring they heed to correction so that they would not get worse, watching their attitude and character to ensure they don't depart from your teaching.

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Time, Attention, and Affection: No matter how busy parents are, their children and family are their top priority, and they do ensure they spend quality time with the children to create more bond, love, and trust, they give their attention to their kids by taking them out, giving them listening ears and so on because seeing the kids happy is what brighten their world and they would do their best to see their kids and cheerful.

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Education: Parent love and joy for their kids make them work so hard in giving their children the best in life, such as giving them sound education both home teaching by the parent and school teaching so that they can be useful for themselves in the future, make their parent proud and happier and live a successful life. Nobody wants his/her jewel (kid) to be a nuisance in the future, so they work hard in giving them a good education.

To what extent are they ready to carry out their responsibilities towards their kids?

They will go the extra mile just to do their responsibilities towards their kids, many parents do many jobs just to make more money and give them the good life they deserve, also in sickness parents still look after their kids, even stubborn and rebellious kids are not cast away rather they did their best in correcting and putting such kid on the right way. They sacrifice a lot for the kids so that they would not lack anything.

Does this joy increase as the child grows? What can contribute to the joy parents experience?

Yes, parent joy increases every day as they watch their kids grow, and the reason is that seeing that tiny baby you carried sometimes ago talking, walking, celebrating his or her birthday, growing into a mini version of you or the spouse set more joy in the parent's heart, the kids going to school, learning and acquiring new skills, till going for the kid's graduation, and getting married. All gives joy.

All these bring joy to parent because seeing the baby growing fine, responsible and successful is everything for them, it makes them proud and tells them they are not a failure, witnessing the children's growth and achievement make all parent happy, in their laughter, joy, companionship, success, and achievement they find their joy.

Do you wish to be a parent or are you already one? Do you expect the same joy or are you already experiencing joy as a parent?

I wish to be a parent and I'm sure I would experience the same joy because I have always loved children, I've partially nursed my cousin, and taking her into my arm about and when she was born felt so heavenly, her funny expression, and laughter, and cuddling with her in my arm do soothe my heart.

Image of myself and a co-worker's kid that love staying with me

So I'm sure I will be so happy when I finally experience what is called being a mother, I have a lot of imaginations in my head about my future kids, carrying their pregnancy, talking to them while they are in my tummy, carrying them in my arm immediately they are born, showering them love, care and affection, creating a bond, being their best friend together with my husband, how we will teach them the way of the Lord, what to do and what not to do, correcting them, watching them grow to have the love of their parent.

What hopes of happiness do you want as a parent for your child later?

The hope of happiness I want hopes to see my kids living a good, selfless, responsible life, loving God and obeying His commands, seeing their love for myself, their husband, and one another, caring and protecting one another, they listen to the parent corrections, living the life that is worthy of emulation, and be successful in whatever career they choose.


Parenthood comes with everything, a new experience, immense joy, the urge for protection, care, and love. It is something that most people love to experience and after experiencing it with the stress, and the responsibilities they still enjoy and would give anything for the experience because it is all worth it. Parenthood experience is what I also want to experience and I will be so happy when the time comes. Thank you all for reading.

I invite @ruthjoe, @sahmie and @josepha to participate in this contest.
 2 years ago 
Club Status#club5050
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Voting CSI12.0
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Verification date:2022-11-21
MOD's Observations/suggestionsYou have written in details about the topic under considerations @temitopef. You are not yet a parent but you have been opportune to nurse your cousin. You have had a few experience and i guess if you become a mother today you won't find it difficult to care for your kids. I wish you success in this contest my friend.

Thanks for verifying my article friend

 2 years ago 

The very day that a woman conceived such a day will be full with joy. I like the point you have shared. Indeed children's are the number one source of joy to parents. Best of luck to you.

Yes, children are a blessing and a source of joy, thank you for your wishes.

 2 years ago 

Hola @temitoperf, te felicito un gran participación en es desafío realmente me gustó leer tu participación. Espero que cuando de case tenga la bendición de tener tus hijos y vivas esa experiencia de ser madre, sabrás que existe un amor que nunca a has conocido pero que es un amor puro.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend...
I really love reading through your work, its very much inspirational... I look forward to being one myself now, lol 😆 ...

Thank you for the invite and Good luck in the contest.

I look forward to being one myself now

Start the preparation now 😆

Thank you for reading friend

 2 years ago 

...starts from when they get to know the woman is conceived, there is this joy that comes with getting pregnant for your husband,

I love this part so much. You are very correct. That is when the joy of parenthood starts and that joy is the beginning of the joy of parenthood. I experienced it too. Infact, I couldn't hold my joy then when I became an expectant mother. It was really a wonderful thing to be pregnant. Thanks for bringing this point out.

I wish you success

I have watched many pregnant women and from them and my mom I got to know how happy a woman becomes immediately after she got to know she is pregnant, thank you for sharing your experience with me too.

Your post has been supported by @simonnwigwe from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 30%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 22/11/2022


Thank you for supporting my post @simonnwigwe

Que hermosura de publicación; por esto y mucho estoy segura que cumplirás gustosa y efectivamente tu rol de madre cuando Dios lo disponga.

Deseo ser padre y estoy seguro de que experimentaría la misma alegría porque siempre me han gustado los niños, he amamantado parcialmente a mi prima, y ​​tomarla en mis brazos y cuando nació se sintió tan celestial, su divertido expresión, y la risa, y acurrucarme con ella en mi brazo calman mi corazón.

Dios mediante así sera. Bendiciones amiga!

Amen, thank you for your kind wishes friend

 2 years ago 

You have written beautifully about the joy of parenthood. It's a serious responsibility but then the joy it brings is far greater than the responsibility involved. Seeing you write about this prepares me for the season ahead when I will be call a dad by my seeds. Thanks for sharing.

Been a parent is not an easy task but the joy it brings takes out the stress.

I wish to be a parent soon, so that I can watch my child grow teeth, walk and call me mummy! It's always a beautiful feeling my friend.

You are not a parent yet but you have done well nursing other children.


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