SEC | S11W4-""""more freedom""""

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

I'm @sumayaorin
From #Bangladesh

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Hey there, lovely people! Hope each one of you is shining with good health and a positive vibe. I'm absolutely stoked to jump headfirst into this thrilling engagement challenge all about embracing "more freedom." Now, let me take you on a little journey into my world as a proud mother of a feisty three-year-old daughter and a passionate homemaker.
What do you understand to be freedom as a parents or kid?

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So, when I ponder on the idea of freedom as a parent, it's like cultivating a vibrant garden where my little one can blossom into her own unique self. And as a kid? Well, it's like having a magical ticket to explore, learn, and create memories that light up the heart.

What can make you to grant more freedom to your kids or what can you do to earn more freedom?

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Picture this: granting more freedom to my kiddo is like choreographing a dance of trust and gradual independence. I get to encourage her to make her tiny choices, express those adorable opinions, and dive into her passions. Now, the fun part is how I earn my stripes in the "freedom game." It's all about juggling the household superhero duties, artfully communicating my own dreams and needs, and ensuring our routines are like well-orchestrated symphonies.

Advantages and disadvantages of freedom both to parents and kids

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Hold on tight, because this has some epic twists. For our little adventurers, freedom means crafting their own stories, building the backbone of self-confidence, and painting their lives with the colors of choice. But, there's a sprinkle of caution too. They may occasionally leap before they look in their zeal, which can teach them a vital lesson with a little "whoops!"

Parents, guess what? We're not left out of this adventure either. The jackpot includes raising independent thinkers, nurturing honest conversations, and oh, the joy of witnessing those "aha" moments. But, as the scales always do, it tips the other way too. Safety concerns can raise their heads, and the art of discipline might become a challenging masterpiece.
What can cause one to lose the freedom he or she has?

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Now, imagine this: losing freedom, whether you're a kid or a grown-up, can be a real showstopper. It's like missing a note in the middle of a fantastic tune. Kids can sometimes lose it by wading into waters a tad too deep, denting the trust bank or getting caught in unforeseen storms. For us adults, it might mean dropping the ball on responsibilities, or life throwing a curveball that makes us change our dance steps.

Why is freedom necessary?

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Hold up, why is freedom even a thing? Well, gather around, because this one's important. It's like the secret sauce for personal growth, like watering a plant and watching it stretch towards the sun. For kids, it's the training ground for decision-making skills, resilience, and learning consequences. And for us parents, it's about mentoring, guiding, and being a soft landing while they spread their wings.

Wrapping it up with a flourish, this "more freedom" concept is like a captivating dance between trust, balance, and communication. It's about giving our young ones the room to fly, while still holding their hands when needed. Buckle up, amigos, as we dive deep into this theme together, sharing stories, and learning from each other's magical journeys. Let's make some memories!


I would like to invite my friends @irawandedy, @goodybest , @ridwant, @radjasalman to participate in this contest.


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