MY WORST HOUSE CHORES by @stanleynnah

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago
Good day kid lovers,

A big thank you to @steemkidss for this amazing contest. It's of great pleasure to me to take part in it.


To begin with, growing up comes with lots of amazing and in most cases disturbing experiences. However, as kids it was very important to be a form of assistance to our parents especially in the areas of some basic things such as house chores. But this does not mean that we enjoy most of the chores that were presented to us.

Personally for me, one of my most dreaded and worst house chores was mopping the floor. This was basically for two reasons, first, it required two processes which was the first and second mopping which will facilitate the dryness of the floor, and secondly, it was dreadful to me because I once fell on a wet floor while mopping and thereby hit my head very hard on the floor. So, I always detest mopping as the fear of falling again remained constant inside of me. The mum often pushed me to carryout the mopping, and this was practically done every Saturday of the week. It still remains one of my worst chores till date, not because of the double cleaning, but because of the fear of slipping, and I am always ever conscious when walking on a wet floors.

Another of my worst house chores was ironing of clothes. This was probably due to the fact that my Dad practically brings out clothes that could last him for a month to be ironed all at once. Once I am done with two or three of them, I practically prayed in my mind for the power supply to be cut off. Even until now, I still don't enjoy ironing clothes in large quantities, I just pick what I could wear for the next two or three days and iron, and hope they will be power supply to iron the once for the following days on another day.

The third of my worst house chores was washing the dishes, this was however because I had to do it very early in the morning before going to school. I am always made to wake up very early in the morning to do the dishes that was used the previous night, so as to enable me prepare for school early, and at this early morning, the sweetness of the sleep was still very much in my body. It was my mum who normally wake me to do the dishes. It's important to note that, it has however helped me personally, as of today, I can barely stand an unwashed dish, and practically wash my dishes immediately after using them.

In conclusion, I will very much encourage my own kids to get involved in almost all the house chores in the home. This is mainly because doing this house chores even when it's uncomfortable for the kids also acts as a form of training for the kids. The fact remains that we would not remain with our parents forever, and once we start living on our own, we begin the see the advantage of doing those house chores when we were kids.

I will like to invite @patience90, @akwashphil, and @charis20 to participate in the contest.

Thank you for reading through.



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