SEC17 WK:#4: the effects of economic hardships on families

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago

Greetings guys,
It's another week in the Steemit engagement challenge for season 17 and this is week 3. The week 4 topic says the effects of economic hardships on families. It is indeed a wonderful topic in which I would like to share my entry.


The effects of the economic hardships on family is a very wonderful topic to write about because it is a contest topic that came at the right time when almost every family here in Nigeria is facing a strong hardship.

The economy situation of Nigeria is going from bad to worse every day and this has affected a lot of families including mine. In my family the hardship has made us to adjust very much on a lot of things.

My father is a soldier and my mum a business woman. Before this this time, my father's salary is always enough to feed us and then he will still have enough for his savings. During those days, we have variety of food available in the house and we eat in the morning, afternoon and night but the case is no longer thesame recently because of the economic situation.

At the moment, both my mum's and my dad earning doesn't provide enough food for us and the varieties we normally eat has been cut down because they can not buy them all due to how expensive everything has become.

This issues within the country is becoming alarming. Every time you go to the market, you will notice a change in the price of commodities. What you price at NGN 400 in the morning will be sold at NGN 500 in the afternoon and so on.

This has been what we have been facing for the past few years. Though a lot of adjustment has been forced into our lives so as to meet ends means. So we have decided in our family to cut down some unnecessary expenses.


Also, to be able to save and do other things with our money, we have also decided to reduce the level at which we eat i.e we have to tight our stomach at some point so as to be able to save something tangible and then use to do other works.

As a person, I have been able to assist my family in the little way I can. Thank God for the Steemit platform where I earn some little money and anytime I make this earning, I send part of the money home so that they can use it to buy some of the things we need to survive the economic hardships.

So cutting down from some expenses has gone a long way in helping us to make some savings. We have really adjusted so much on the way we live and this is because of the economic situation. I just hope things will go back to those beautiful old days where the money has value and you can also purchase all you need at no cost.

As I said earlier those days, the little salary my dad collect is used to feed us all and also some money will be left for other projects but today the case is different. Thanks be to God we are finding a way around every happenings.

I want to finally invite @solaymann, @suboohi and @msharif to also join this contest if they haven't share their entry yet.


Las penurias económicas las conocemos muy bien aquí en Venezuela, ya que nuestro salario sufrió una significativa devaluación estos últimos años. En estos casos no queda otro remedio que apelar a las estrategias que han utilizado en su familia: reducir los gastos que no son esenciales y aminorar hasta la cantidad de alimentos que acostumbrábamos a consumir. Es pertinente, además, intentar tener más de un empleo, buscar distintos métodos de obtener recursos económicos para que estos problemas nonos afecten demasiado... Le deseo muchos éxitos, amigo. Saludos.

 5 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

Hi, In this life we will face our own trials and tests, one of which is a test in the economic crisis. We can only keep trying and praying to get through it well. Interesting writing and keep sharing interesting and useful writings.

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I was happy to read when you wrote that your father and mother's earning was good and you enjoyed but time got changed and now you are facing hardship. But as your father is soldiers, you are fighter too . You are working hard on Steemit and other projects to help your family which is very commendable job. This is way you can cope with your daily challenge.

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