My Dairy Game 🎮 Have A Wonderful Day❤️ (13/05/2024)

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago (edited)

Hello Everyone

Assalamu Alaykum

I hope you are very well by the infinite mercy of Allah Taala. I am also very well by the infinite mercy of Allah Taala Alhamdulillah. Today is the 13th of May. every monday Today I am going to share my three with you. Hope you all enjoy the day.

So let's start without delay :-



Wake up in the morning. I woke up and called a car driver, asking him if there is any fare today. The driver says brother, there is no fare today. So I came back to the room and fell asleep. Waking up is a little late. Mom says to go to Parvatipur without waking up. Because you have to go to Keloka with Nanu Bhaiya, there is some work to do. I woke up again and got fresh. After freshening up, I had breakfast. After eating, I got ready and left for Parvatipur. I went to Nanubari and came to Keloka with Nanu Bhaiya. Hanu Bhai let me in during office hours and I looked inside. Filled with flower gardens. How beautiful the interior of the keloka looks. I took some light-thin pictures. Then I came out of the flower garden to obey. I went to Nanu Bhai and saw that Nanu Bhai's work was done. It was noon when Asha's friend from abroad dropped off his brother and asked to meet on the phone.


Later I went to my friend's place as soon as the call to prayer was given. Because he told me on my phone before coming that I will meet him when I go home. I called him and brought him. However, he was happy to see me after many days. Then two more friends came and we all went to the hotel and had tea. Then sat behind the hotel and chatted for a long time. A little later, father called from home to go home. I said goodbye to them and left for home. While crossing the railway gate, I saw a lot of people at the railway gate. So I did not take a picture of the railway gate standing. Then hurry home. He did not take a bath when he came home. He did not eat lunch after taking a bath. After eating and drinking, I went to my room. I fell asleep watching Tik Tok on my phone.



It is afternoon when he wakes up. I woke up and heard my younger sister, hurry up and freshen up, I am making fun food. I feel hungry when I sleep. So I quickly got fresh. When I came fresh, I saw that they had made one with potato filling and bread. But it was fun to eat. I took some pictures while eating. After eating we left for Zamirhat. Go to Zamir Hat and have tea at the famous four shops of Saidul. Have tea and sit in the field. Seeing me, two or three younger brothers came and sat near me. Talk to them about life. A younger brother gave the SSC exam and got his result yesterday. He said it would be better to read with brother, I told him what do you want. Desire to study in Polytechnic. Talk to him for a while and get up from there.


A little later he gives the Maghrib call to prayer. I went to the doctor with my younger brother due to a problem with my younger brother. I went and bought him medicine. Then I went to the flag place. I went to the flat place and saw that two or three people had come. My uncle is waiting for me. Uncle said to play Ludo for a while with uncle. More or less everyone came to chat to play Ludu. I sat and chatted with them. And next to them they started playing ludo. After playing Ludu, everyone had breakfast at Yamer Hat Market. As I met a friend in the market, I sent them away and chatted with the friend for a while. As the night fell while talking, I hoped that I would not leave him.



Screenshot taken from YouTube

I am alone at home at night. I called my mother to come and open the door. Mom came and opened the door. Then I went to the washroom and did not freshen up. After getting fresh, I came to my room and read a book for a while. Then dad comes home and mom calls for dinner. Didn't go and eat dinner. Then come to the room and lie down and watch some reel videos on Facebook. Then a friend called and asked to go to Freefire. I entered Free Fire, played a match and came out because I didn't like it. Then go to YouTube and watch Gopal Var Katun. I don't like Gopal Bhar if I don't see it. After watching Gopal Vaar, I also watch Chander Buri Magic Man cartoon. After watching the cartoons, I entered Facebook again and chatted with my friends for a while. I try to sleep by turning it off due to sleepiness.

I hope you all like the post, if there is any mistake in the post, please look at the look of forgiveness, everyone will be fine and healthy.

Thank You

My Identity


My name is Md. Shahriar Islam Samrat I live in Parbatipur Thana Dinajpur District I work on steemit platform along with my studies my steemit id name is @shariar07. I love to travel. My favorite sports are Cricket and Football I am very good at both. I am a member of Parvatipur Success Stage Blood Foundation. Apart from this I work as a social worker.

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