The Diary Game || 03/04/ 2024|| Harvesting Cucumber In My Uncle Farm

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago (edited)
Hello good evening everyone in this community trust you all are doing well and hope you all have a wonderful day. Am here to share my Diary Game with you all have I went to my uncle farm for cucumber harvesting.


morning activities

I wake strongly in the morning when the time was 5:04 am, firstly I went to morning prayer in our church to spent some minutes with God in pray and word of wisdom. After that I return home when the time was 5:55 am I need to sleep small and wait for the time to reach 7:00 am so that I will start doing some morning work in the house.

During the process I received a call from my uncle, saying I should please come and help them in the farm for harvesting cucumbers, so I agree and create a time at that moment to go the farm. I informed my mom about it and she approves me with go ahead. I prepared my self and go there at 9:45 in the morning.

When arriving the farm I saw some workers harvesting cucumbers in the farm in the process I change up my clothes and joint the work immediately so that I will return home early.
After some time my uncle arrived the farm and work keep going on.


Afternoon activities

During the afternoon time work was still going on in the farm because the cucumbers was so plenty and much it will take a lot of time to harvest the cucumbers in all the farm.
My uncle plants many types of vegetables crops in their farm such as. Cucumbers, cabbage , Garden eggs, Tomatoes, water leaf, pepper and many more. The farm is very large and could contain the above listed crops.

Below are crops planted by my uncle in his commercial farm.


cucumber side


cabbage section


tomatoes section


pepper plants section


Garden eggs

Above are the crop that are planted in his farm.

The cucumbers was too plenty while packaging in the bags for sell some people were coming to the house to buy it.

Evening activities

In the evening I was still in my uncle house helping them to packages the cucumbers in the bags although it was stressful but I try my best as must as I can to help.when it was now 7:25 pm which night have comes I prepared my self to start going. My uncle appreciate me with a very big bag of cucumber i collected it with a heart of joy 🥰.

IMG_20240403_102049_184.jpgmy uncle in his pepper farm

And my work was not I vein.
When I reach my home my mom see the gift that I was been given through my uncle and also feel happy for me. It is night already I have to take my bath and eat my dinner, when going to sleep I take my phone and start typing my dairy game.

Media credit
Captured withcaptured by
Infinix smart 6@samuelnkenta

Thanks you for reading my post.


It always a happy moments to receive a gift from your parents.

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