The dairy game for 1st April 2024 I am really blessed today for attending Deeper Christian Life Easter Retreat.

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

I woke up today around 5 am feeling good and fresh because of the blessing from the retreat that started on Friday. We did morning devotion after which I personally swept and mob the house in the absence of my sisters who were in the retreat camp, so I had to take responsibility for sweeping and mopping.

Because of the work I did at home, I went to the retreat late as I miss the Faith Clinic which started 8:00-9:30 am. I am lucky I made the morning message which start by 10:00 am, and it starts with a prayer followed by a congressional song and then the youth choir.
Listening to the message.

The message proper starts at 10:16 am with the prayer from the preacher.
The theme was (Have you Received The Holy Ghost) and the text is taken from the book of Acts 1:2, and Matthew 3:11, But because we are receiving the message on YouTube from the regional overseer, who would preach and every camp in the region will connect through YouTube. The network was so bad that the message was not smooth.

The message was divided into three subheadings

  1. The significance of the holy power in the church.
    Text= Acts 1:2, Micah 3:8, John 16:7
  1. Spiritual yearning for the holy ghost power.
    Text= luck 24:49, Acts 1:8, Exodus 24:18 1king 19:8 2king 2:12
  1. Supernatural manifestation of the power of the holy ghost.
    Text= Matthew3:11, micah3:8, Acts 3:1

The preacher tell us the importance of the holy ghost in the present church and the message ended at 11:20 am. Continue with intercessory prayers, for God to send the holy ghost to the church, for the church to go out and preach the gospel as the apostle waited for the holy before they started preaching the gospel. The intercessory prayers ended at 12:25 pm.


Eaten food at the retreat camp.

Bible studies start at 12:30 and we are divided according to school level, from jss1-3 to be in one class, from ss1-3 in one class, and under graduate and graduate in one class. The topic for the Bible study is "Christ's supreme sacrifice for our santification". The text is from the book of Hebrews 13:10-13.

We deliberate on the topic and learn the differences between the sacrifices in the old covenant and that of the new covenant which was done with the blood of Jesus once and for all. The Bible studies ended at 1:03 pm went back for the summary which was done by the youth leader of our group (Glory group). He asked questions and answer the questions, and then he read the text, explained and teach us more about the supreme sacrifice Jesus did on our behalf and then ended it
with prayer at 1:40 pm.

In the program there is a debate which started immediately after the summary, the title of the debate was "Education is a means of self-awareness". The group supporting the motion won the debate with their good point, and the debate ended exactly 2:50 pm. We went for break and ate at exactly 3:40 pm.


At the shop with my boss.

After eaten I went to shop to see my boss, luckily he was in the shop doing work which joined him to finished some of the work he was doing, and he bought foot for which I ate and stay there with him till 8 pm before going home to rest for the day.

Is my pleasure to invite the presence of @josepha, @suboohi, and @ngoenyi to share with us too.

 2 months ago 

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