Contest || Importance Of Co-education.

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago

Good morning the great Steemian all over the world, am glad that we all witnessed today and I pray we all experience growth in God's protection. I appreciate the effort made by @moyeon for bringing an educative contest theme that would help the parents and children make a good decision.

What is the meaning of co-education?



Co-education is the process whereby the two sexes (male and female) are joined together in one institution of learning.

Which education do you prefer for your kids? Coeducational centers or all boys /all girls educational centers?

I would prefer coeducation for my children, why because it provides the right balance or atmosphere for learning and understanding for both sexes. School is an environment for learning and the children will learn how to deal with their differences themselves through their interactions with the opposite sex.

Co-education provides the avenue to train the growing youth to know their natural place in the community or society. This helps the children to know their responsibility as a girl or as a boy.

It will also address the issue of inequality among the two genders, for this will help them to respect each other.

How do Co-educational centers play a role in developing the personality of a child?


My primary school was coeducation, I Spent nine years, but when I finished primary school, my junior secondary school was not coeducation, I spent a whole three years going to all boys school as that is the I was supposed to shape myself to mingle with girls. I did not have the opportunity to talk to girls again.

But then on going to senior secondary school the opportunity came because I changed school and was lucky my new school was practicing coeducation, at first I was too shy to talk to girls but I was without an option but to start learning, our school then was not enough so we have to lap ourselves to school as there is sometimes because of my shyness to girls makes me not to stand for myself in front of girls.

In the end, I regained my confidence back through one of the girls who always came close to me, she said to me you need to stand as a man and learn to make friends with girls if not it will affect your confidence. She keeps coming close until I am used to it. But today at the end co-education has shaped my confidence to be in the mix.

Merits and demerits of Co-education.



  1. Co-education brings about equal opportunities.
  2. By learning in a co-education climate, helps bring about mutual respect to the youth.
  3. It helps boost confidence in communication with the opposite gender
  4. It also brings about a good balance of learning


  1. The thinking that boys will always be dependent on their own while seeing girls as those who need help is not helping in terms of performance
  2. Co-education is the author of early relationships that destroyed the youth
  3. We can see the case of boys taking advantage of girls through rapping.

I want to invite @goodybest, @josepha, and @hanny-dave to join this contest.

 5 months ago 

Hi Samuel, your entry provides a personal reflection on the experience of co-education, highlighting its benefits such as fostering mutual respect, boosting confidence in communication with the opposite gender, and providing a balanced learning environment. It also acknowledges some potential disadvantages such as unequal treatment and early relationships. You share a personal story of overcoming shyness and gaining confidence through co-education, emphasizing its positive impact on personality development. Success on your entry.

 5 months ago 

Hi Samuel, your entry provides a personal reflection on the experience of co-education, highlighting its benefits such as fostering mutual respect, boosting confidence in communication with the opposite gender, and providing a balanced learning environment. It also acknowledges some potential disadvantages such as unequal treatment and early relationships. You share a personal story of overcoming shyness and gaining confidence through co-education, emphasizing its positive impact on personality development. Success on your entry.


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Curated by : @josepha?

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