Writing Expedition Monday || Drug Abuse amongst Youth by @rossnenye

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago (edited)
Hello everyone, good afternoon to you all. Hope you all doing great? Welcome back to my blog. Welcome to another week of our Weekly writing Expedition. Recently, someone I know took their son to a rehabilitation center because of drug abuse. He was addicted to MethalPhenolphthalein and was a shadow of himself. The whole family was in pain because of this very act and this brings to my topic today "Drug abuse amongst the youth" In this topic, I will be talking about drug abuse, highlighting the various commonly abused drugs.


What is a drug
A Drug can be defined as a substance which has an effect on the body when taken.

What is drug abuse
This is the inappropriate consumption of drugs, this includes over the counter drugs, hard drugs e.tc.



Commonly types of abused drugs
Indian hemp

Reasons why the youth abuse drugs

peer pressure
Most adolescent are usually influenced by their friends to take hard drugs in order to get high. Most Youth take hard drugs in order to fit in and gain acceptance from friends.

Emotional problems
Most drug addicts are facing one physiological problem or the other, it could be broken home, academic failure, death of a loved one or relationship problems.

Most Youth take drugs because they want to know what it tastes like, and the feeling or pressure it gives.

Negative Influence
Researches has shown that people who grew up with family members that take drugs usually end up doing the same.

Consequences of drug abuse

Health complications
Drug abusers tend to suffer so many health issues like organ damage, heart failure and mental disorder.

Drug overdose and death
Most addicts die from drug overdose.

Negative social behavior
A drug addict is willing to do anything in order to get drugs.

Lack of productivity
Drug addicts perform poorly at work, home, business and school.

Crime and Violence
Drug abusers are usually linked with crimes like kidnapping, stealing, fighting e.t.c.

Ways of Countering Drug Abuse

Education and awareness
Enough awareness should be created on the effect of hard drugs, drug abuse and it's dangers should also be taught in all schools.

Punishing offenders
Individuals found in possession of hard drugs should be punished in order to serve as lessons to others.

Parental monitoring
Parents should also look out for their children and also know the kind of company they follow.

Social Media sensitization
Social Media should also be used to educate the public on the dangers of hard drugs.

Affordable rehabilitation

The various rehabilitation centers should be made affordable for individuals.

Thanks for reading through my post, I hope you guys learnt something today.

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