SEC14 WK:#3:🤷My Perception About House Chores by @rossnenye

in Steem Kids & Parents7 months ago

Hello everyone, good afternoon to you all. Hope your day is going as planned? Welcome back to my blog. Welcome to week 3 of our weekly contest. It's always my pleasure writing in this wonderful community.


👉What does House Chores mean and what is your perception about it (do you enjoy it or not, tell us)

House chores can be defined as the basic house hold chores carried out regularly in the house. My own perception about house chores is that everyone in a home has a part to play. Every one in a home, despite the age can assist in doing chores in the home.

The funny thing is that while growing up, I never liked house chores. I hated it with passion. I just wanted to sleep, wake up, eat food and play around. But now, my perception about it has changed. I love doing house chores now because by doing them, it leaves our house tidy and neat.

👉What is included in the house chores that is done in your house

The major house chores carried out in my home includes.

Washing dishes

Sweeping the house

Fetching water

Cleaning the house

Sweeping the compound

Cooking food

Washing clothes

Throwing away dirts

👉Which of them do you enjoy doing and how do you do them

One house hold chores I enjoy doing when I was much younger and even up to date is washing dishes and cooking food.

👉Why is house chores so important to you and the family

Doing house chores in the house is one of the essential things in the home, without doing them, the whole house will be messed up.

Importances of doing house chores in the home.

prepares children for adulthood.

By doing house chores, kids would learn basic skills like cooking, taking care of theirselves, their homes and kids in their adulthood.

Being responsible

Doing house chores helps to educate the kids on the importance of being responsible and independent. It also teach them the importance of hardwork.

Teaches them on the importances of Management

Sending kids on errands like buying groceries and other house hold item helps them to know the prices of things in the market and the importance of managing resources.

Neatness and Cleanliness

Doing chores in the house also helps to teach children on the importance of keeping their environment tidy.

👉Your advice to kids about how chores

The importance of house chores in our home cannot be over emphasized, My advice goes to the parents and the kids as well. The parents should teach their children how to do house chores when they're are still tender, they should share the house chores according to their age range. Children should always do their basic chores, they shouldn't leave it for the house help all the time because it helps them to be responsible adults in the future.

Thanks for reading through, I invite
@salifu to participate in this contest

 7 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are enjoying your life there.

House chores are the activities at home on daily basis. You have a very long list of chores at home. It includes washing, cleaning, sweeping, cooking and many other.

You said amoung all these your favorite one is washing dishes and cooking. Believe me these two are my favorites too. It gives me kind of pleasure and peace when I am doing it. Let me tell you that I am a very good cook and I can cook many delicious food.

wishing you success here. Best of luck.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for your comment.

Hola amiga es un gusto leerte, inculcarles responsabilidades a los niños desde pequeños, esto moldear su personalidad y su perspectiva en el hogar, las tareas del hogar deben ser para todos los integrantes de la familia, esto dará armonía y orden a al hogar.

Suerte en el concurso amiga 🤗


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