Writing Expedition ✍️ Thursday [A Real life story] Reward of being kind to others

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year


Good day everyone, how are you all doing I hope that all are moving in a right direction. Am so happy to participate in this great and interesting contest and also publishing this content of my into the wonderful community I hope that it will impact more knowledge and also it will be more educative and interesting.

here am going to give or tell a short story about two intelligent friends, who grew up together and also love them self, the share things in common and also went to the same school and graduate the same time, but the most interesting part was that one was so caring to others and believe that it pays while the other don't believe that, join me and see the full story

I will also love to invite my Wonderful friends to join this contest with me the include the following people below. @chukwu10 @vincent100 and @okereblessing


this is a real life story and it is about two friends named Kenneth and Samuel, this relationship started since their childhood and when the where still in primary school, this two friends where so so intelligent and brilliant that the always take the first and second position in class, the went to the same school named New world kiddies Academy in Aba and the were loved by many teachers because of how the care for each other and also because of their intelligence

through out their primary school non of them took below second the kept on leading the class still the graduate, Also the live at the same street and the always come together to read, do their assignment and also play together, this brought love and happiness between the both families.


As time goes on the graduated from primary school and where admitted into the same secondary school. the really don't want to leave each other so the both family decided to admit them into the same school, there the mate other friends and also more brilliant people and really challenge the both of them, for the first time in history after their examination Kenneth took the 7th position while Samuel took the 6th position, the where so sad and decided to work more hard next term



this two friends where so sad for taking such a bad results so the decide that the will work more hard next time, in their class there where many brilliant and intelligent student that also work and read more hard and their class was so compectitive and so difficult that before you take a better results you most work more hard. Next term in school this two friends where so serious and the swear to take back their position that term, so the First observed the class and the notice their there where more brilliant people in the class but it did brought their determination down the kept on working so hard, by reading their books all the day ,doing their assignment and also asking more questions in the class


so at last kennth was able to took the second position while Samuel took the 4th position in class this amaze everyone but still the where not satisfied with there results and the decision was that the will actually take their normal results from those holding it, so the both then decide to ask chidima the strategy she normally used in taking the first position after she told them the also ask other and the gathered the results. Main looking at what the got from the results the saw that chidima and others where really working more hard then them so the plan to work three times hard and better than others, the increase in reading their books and also pushing more hard and after the examination the results was announced and it really shocked many students Kenneth was able to take back his position right from time he came out as the first in class which Samuel took the second position and the where so happy



After their secondary school the wrote their wace and jamb and came out with wonderful results and also the applied to go to the same University college, and it was given that the will go to the same University college, the where so happy and thank God for granting them their request. the went to the same University college and also the where not influence by many bad things, the both agree that the will not to any thing that will affect their future and the strive forward to that, at the college Kenneth studied Petro-chemical Engineer and also Samuel his friend also studied the same course, the really want to be the same thing in future


the really did well in the university college and came out as first class and with wonderfully results. Kenneth was really a kind and caring somebody and hus really has passion to help the need and the poor people, he was so caring that he can't stay a day without helping someone, he is so kind and such a caring person and he believes that one day it will really pay him with a good reward, while Samuel was a bit harsh to people doesn't care if the person is really in need and dieing. he doesn't help people and he is not the kind to the needy, he was not like his friend Kenneth and Everytime he tries to discourage Kenneth not to help people but Kenneth always refuse and always continue helping the poor



As time goes on the both stayed for many months without getting a job, but one-day Kenneth saw a job in a big oil company and since he studied petro chemical engineer he can work perfectly well in that company, so a told his friend Samuel and the Both went in search for a job in that company, went the got to that company the manager and CEO of the company ask them fellow questions and he answered correctly and the both friend where really the best for the job. the company only needs one person for the job, so in other to choose one the manger told them to go back home and come the next day for the job, the where so happy so the went home, and the manager planned on how to separate and choose the better person


so early that morning the went to the company, at the entrance of the gate the saw man dressing in a dirty clothes and was smelling so bad, this man was really in need and ask the both friends for some money to buy something to eaten, when Samuel saw him he push the man down and slap him telling him not to touch him again and angrily went inside the company while Kenneth felt pity on the man clean him up and gave him the last money he had to enable the hungry man to find something to eat


And also before the could reach to the manger office the manager office the saw a blind woman begging for food also, Samuel didn't even react to the woman he walk straight to the office while Kenneth his friend gave the woman some biscuits and drink he was holding in his hand the woman collect it and he went inside the manager office. on reaching to the office the saw nobody and a lady told them to sit and wait for the manager and CEO of the company and they will be with them in a short period of time, so after some minutes, the same smelling man the saw at the gate of the company wearing some dirty clothes came into the office and also the woman pretending to be blind also fellowed him


Unfortunately the man who was wearing the dirty clothes and was smelling undresses himself and the woman also undressed herself and indeed the both person where the manager amd CEO of the company, the both friends where shocked and immediately Samuel started crying and fell to his needs because he know that he didn't help the both people and he was going to loose the job. so at the end the manager address the issue and Kenneth was given the job because of his knidness while Samuel loose the job and went hope crying and sad


we all should learn how to be kind to others because one-day it must surely pay and reward you massively, Kenneth was a kind person and love helping others and at last hewas rewarded, thanks for going through this coming tent of my I really appreciate.

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