Unleash The Secret Of A Healthy Child And Win A Healthy Price|| Organized By @prolee

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)

Hello my friends and my fellow steemians i am @rhema01, how are you all doing, hope amazing.

Like I always do I will start off by asking you a question my reader's
What do you think are the causes of a healthy child?.🤔,now while you think about that let me remind you that a child being healthy is not only being healthy physical but also mentally.

Well if you couldn't think of any let me save you the trouble, hear are a few factors or causes of a healthy child 👇
Financial background
Family influence



Nutrition is a critical factor in growth, as everything the body needs to build and repair itself comes and is based on what we eat, malnutrition will, and can affect the general well being of a child and in general affect the total health of a child.
Children and everyone in general should endeavor to take well balanced diets rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrate, and fats that help the body to develop and stay healthy.



When I mention exercise most people would think of going or joining a gym and lifting weights, but I mean is exercise as a discipline of children or a child deliberately engaging in physical activities to strengthen the body with them being aware of the physical and mental benefits.
Exercise i am talking about is the normal playtime and sports activities which help the body gain and increase muscular strength and put on body and bone mass.
Proper exercise helps children grow and reach better physical potentials on time or sooner than those who don't engage in often exercise and physical activities.
Exercise also helps to keep them healthy and fight of diseases by strengthen the immune system, especially if they engage in outdoors physical activities often, this is because outdoors play and exercise exposes them to microbes that help build resistance and prevents allergies which in turn makes and keeps them healthy both physically and mentally.



What is heredity?
Heredity is the transfer of characteristics from parents to children through their genes. It influences all aspects of physical appearance such as height, weight, body structure, eye colour, hair texture, hair colour, hair length, facial attributes, and even level of intelligence.
Because of the presence of genes diseases and conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, e.t.c can also be passed through these genes,thereby affecting the growth, development, and healthy of the child in general.



Like I said earlier, I will not only be talking about a child's physical health but also their mental health,and environment is one of the biggest deciding factors in a child's mental strength, development, and healthy.
The environment plays a critical role in the development of children and it represents the sum total of physical and mental stimulation the child gets and receives. Some of the environmental factors involve the physical surrounding and condition of the place the child lives in, it also affects the child's social skills and relationship with family and friends.
It is understood that a child that is brought up in a safe and condusive environment free of evil vises will be better mentally than one who grows in the midst of them.
A good school and a loving family helps build in children strong social and personal mental skills, which will enable them to excel in other areas such a academics and other activities. This will of course be different for a child's mental health if raised in an unsafe and stressful environment.



The financial status of a family determines the quality of life and opportunities a child has access to.
For example nutrition and learning

The financial status of a family determines the quality of nutrition and diet the child has access to,well-off families can afford to provide their children with the best nutritions and diet that help enhance the child's development, growth, and total well-being, which makes the child health.

The financial status of a family determines the quality of schools a child attends, well-off families can afford to send their children to quality schools with the best facilities and condusive environment for effective mental growth, they can also provide special aids if the child has special needs.



A child's family has the biggest impact in a child's health,in nurturing a child which determines the development of the child mentally, physically, and socially. Weather they are raised by their parents, grandparents, or other care, they need love, care, and attention to develop as a healthy functional individual.
The most positive growth is seen when parents/guardians invest time, energy, love and care in the development of the child. Families that don't abuse or neglect their children may affect the mental and physical health of their children positivity, causing the child to be healthy. Parents who take up the responsibility of parenting and not shifting if to maids or nannies, but instead invest quality time to play, interact, and take care of their children, will see the development and how healthy their children are.


This are a few secrets for the cause a healthy child, I truly hope you enjoyed reading my post, I put a lot of time and effort into it hope u enjoyed it
Special appreciation to

See you friends and my fellow steemians shortly bye!!!

 3 years ago 

You wrote well friend with your good points. I agree with all your factors that gives a child good health because they're really good ones that can help a child really appreciate. Next time do well to use right markdownstyles in terms of adding source to your image so as to make it more mature. Thanks for participating, you did well.

You've been selected as one of the participants.

I believe u 100% financial status of a family contributes alot to every child's healthy living

Yes, exercise does a lot in the life of children
It helps them to be smart just that they need to be guided so as not go the wrong way.

I wish you the best in this contest

What a nice article. This is really educative.

Thank you very much,I appreciate it

Thank you very much I appreciate it

@rhema01 your presentation on child physical and mental development and and how it can be achieved is a welcome development. The environment, surrounding, family, education, etc as contains in your presentation as part of the determining factor that could help or hinder the quality and growth of a child is really a fact that should not be ignored and or disputed.
Keep it up.

Exercising is very needful in the growth of a child as this helps that mentally,and physically and contribute positively to their growth. I love this article and I wish you the very best in this contest.

Thank you for sharing this important topic for children in the community. I invite you to know our guidelines so that you know the publications that you can share each day of the week. Greetings with affection from Venezuela.


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