Steemkids lesson assignment for week1:profit and loss by @raysdesign

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)

Hello @stemkids, am so happy to take part in these contest,I am grateful to @madilyn02 for organizing this contest.


This little bunch of mine was so delighted when I showed it to her she was so eager to solve the math problems and she did great.


The formula for calculating profit and loss is
Profit= Selling price - cost price
Loss =Cost price - selling price

1 Mr. Brian bought a bicycle at the price of 40 Steems and sells it at the price of 38 Steems. What is the profit or loss.?

CP = 40
SP= 38
Loss = CP - SP
40-38 = 2
loss of 2 Steem.

2 Sir Ferdinand purchased his goods at price of 160 Steems. He sold at price of 200 Steems to his customers. What is the profit or loss?

200 - 160 = 40steems
Gain 40steems.

3Uncle Brett bought a toy at price 20 Steems for Sarah. Then Sarah decides to sell it to her friend Misty at 25 Steems. What is the profit or gain got from the toy?


25 - 20 = 5
Gain of 5 steems.


Thank you so much for going through my post.


Thank you @ krsuccess

Nice entry and please check the spelling of the community account, is steemkids and not what you have mentioned.

No problem but I came to realize that the mistake was from the teacher herself. Carry on dear.

Hi @raysdesign, thank you for taking part in this assignment. The child has done excellently well in the homework.

Your entry is noted

Thank you

 3 years ago 

Thank you, W love to see our kids take part in the home work course. We appreciate you.

Thank you so much @steemkidss


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