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Hello @steemkidss I'm super excited to participate in this week 5 definition Contest organized by you with the topic; What does compassion mean to you? The word compassion in Greek is "Splagchnizomai" it means to be moved in the inward.

What do you understand by compassion?

Compassion is being moved by an inward force to help another person, it's the act of putting yourself in someone else situation and being moved to render the corresponded solution to the situation. As recorded in the Bible 80% of miracles performed by Jesus Christ was propelled by compassion, the Bible speaking in (Mathew 15:32)

Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat; I will not send them away fasting lest they faint in the way.

The scripture above matches with the definition of my compassion, I can go on and on to quote scripture that are related to compassion but time will not permit.

Who can show it and why?

Compassion can be shown by anybody irrespective of your background, complexion or gender because life is programmed like computer, what you put in is what you get, if you expect compassion from other people, you must show compassion.

Have you shown someone compassion, how did you do that and how did the recipient feel?

I have shown compassion to so many people that are with me and around me, some are relatives while some are strangers, there is this particular one that's evergreen in my heart, I mean I was moved by compassion to give 300 naira to a young girl of about 13 years of age, that faithful day, I went to the market to buy some food stuff and on my way back I saw this young girl crying and I was moved to find out what her problem was, she told me that she lived with her stepmother who gave her cooked egg to come and sell and so she mistakenly misplaced 300 naira from the money she sold for the day, because of the missing money she couldn't return to the house for the fear of being beaten by her stepmom, fortunately I was with some money which I gave to her, she thanked me and went home happily.

Has anyone shown you compassion before and how did you feel when it was shown to you?

I've been a beneficiary of compassion so many times, the most outstanding one is the one I got an Android phone from someone to go and print a work that was given to me, I successfully did what I wanted to do and boarded a bus home, when I got home, I was surprised that the phone was not in my pocket, I went back to the place I printed my work but couldn't find it, the worse of it all was that I didn't have the number of the particular sim card that was in the phone, to summarize the long story, a lady that sat close to me in the bus who was with the phone said that immediately I stepped down from the car she saw the phone in the bus beside the place I was sitting, according to her, she tried reaching out to me but she couldn't, she had to go home with the phone. It was one of my most challenging day and I couldn't return to the house on time, I was just walking to and fro from Ikot Ekpene road to Aka road but finally had to return to the house any how. I will not be able to write about the reaction of the owner of the misplaced phone after all the embarassment, I requested for the number that was in the phone which he gave me, throughout the night I was dialing the number, the line was ringing but no one picked the call, I eventually managed to sleep, as early as possible I continue calling the number and someone picked the call, as God will have it, she directed me on where and when to meet her, when I got there she gave me the phone after telling me how she got to be with the phone, I thanked for showing me compassion and also thanked my God.

Express your compassion to someone in a particular way.


This is the way I choose to express my compassion, we went out for promotion and on our way back I decided to show @nsikakedem compassion by getting him a fruit so as to replace the energy lost in the process of talking to people.

Do you think compassion is a virtue that should be cultivated by all and be demonstrated in practical way?

Compassion is a virtue that is needed by all, it is needed in the family, between a boss and a staff, compassion just like every other virtue should be cultivated by everyone.

How did you learn to show compassion and where?

I learnt compassion from the Bible in church and in my family.

How will the world look like if everyone cultivate this quality?

If everyone should cultivate this quality there will be no war, murder,fear and of course it will be joy unspeakable.


Compassion was the propelling force that brought about the great miracles that Our Lord Jesus Christ manifested while on Earth so we also have to follow his footsteps, by living a life that is full of compassion.

Best regards to

@steemkidss @ngoenyi @benton3

I invite @joshua002 @kufrest and @womanofgod to participate in this Contest

Here is my Introduction post link


I so love your biblical explanation of compassion. I have learnt from your post that showing compassion should be an everyday routine, no matter how little.

Keep up the good work

When it has to do with virtue it's only the Bible that can best explained it

 3 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in this contest about compassion. I am touched by the compassion you showed to that young girl. Your 300 naira must have brought her much joy. Thank you for being moved out of compassion to help her.

Thanks for having time to go through my post

I liked very much how you define compassion my friend, it is very true, very good participation.

 3 years ago 

Your participation in this contest is well noted dear @prudent85. Your compassion in giving to your colleague a pawpaw fruit is remarkable. Thanks so much

You are welcome @steemkidss that was the right thing he needed at that time

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