in Steem Kids & Parents6 months ago (edited)

Good day everyone, Today I will be sharing a story about my dad.
Back in the day when I was still a kid maybe four or five years old my dad used to tell me and my elder sister stories every time he came back from work and we always expected a new one the next day and I think maybe he was getting tired or was running out of ideas of stories to tell.

So one day after distributing him to tell us another story he started agreed to tell and told us the name of the story was "How Mr elephant got fat" and the story goes like this.
Once upon a time in the animal kingdom Mr lion the king of the jungle daughter was of age for marriage and many suitors came from far and near for her hand but were all rejected and these made the king worried so he decided to host a competition and who ever won it will marry his daughter.
On the day of the competition many strong animals like Tiger, bear, hippopotamus etc were all present and ready to compete. But to their greatest surprise the king announced a water drinking competition so that it would be fair to all animals.
So the king's servants brought hundreds of drums of water for the competition, some got angry and left while a few took the challenge. The most any animal drank was twenty five drums and that was Mr camel.
After many failures it was the turn of Mr elephant who was one of the smallest animals and was from a poor family so he saw this competition as a way out of poverty, so he started to drink.
My dad made us to repeat this words "elephant drank the water, elephant drank the water and finish another drum" then he would shout "and he puts his mouth in another one again!" and we continue like that for weeks till we got tired and stopped asking for stories 😅.
Thank you for reading.


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