SEC | S11W4 - More Freedom

in Steem Kids & Parents11 months ago

Greetings and welcome to my blog, hows' everything going on, hope you're all doing well. I'm much excited to participate in this contest.

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What do you understand to be freedom as a parents or kid?

As a kid, I see freedom as the incredible chance to venture out, discover new things, soak up knowledge, nd let my creativity flow. It's like having a wide open space to explore, but with guardrails in place to keep me safe. I appreciate my parents' wisdom nd guidance, whch act as a compass, helping me navigate this exciting journey of self expression nd growth.



What can make you to grant more freedom to your kids or what can you do to earn more freedom?

To earn more freedom, I've come to realize that showng responsibility is key. It's about tackling tasks nd chores diligently, sticking to the rules day in and day out, and making sure my judgment is spot on. As I prove that I can handle these responsibilities nd make sound choices, I'm building a strong case for myself. It's like a path to more independence, and the more I walk it, the more my parents seem willing to let me explore and spread my wings a little wider.



Advantages and disadvantages of freedom both to parents and kids.

For parents, giving kids some freedom means letting them spread their wings, develop independence, nd discover their strengths. It's like watching a flower bloom a mix of trust and growth. But watch out, too much freedom without guidance can be like handing over a car with no brakes. It's imprtant to strike that balance.

Kids, on the flip side, freedom's your golden ticket to self discovery., It's like a treasure chest of experiences waiting to be unlocked. You'll gain confidence, learn from mistakes, and become your own hero.

However, don't ditch responsibility at the door. It's the sidekick to your freedom, ensuring you're not steering into stormy waters. The key is finding the sweet spot where freedom and responsibility dance hand in hand.

In a nutshell, freedom's a double edged sword. It's a path to empowerment., bt if taken too far, it can lead to pitfalls. So, embrace the adventure, but remember, a little guidance goes a long way in this exhilarating journey.


What can cause one to lose the freedom he or she has?

Losing freedom can stem from various factors, sch as violating laws or rules, engaging in harmful behavior, or undermining trust. Disregarding responsibilities, consistently making poor choices, or not adhering to agreements can also lead to a loss of freedom. Additiionally, external factors like legal consequences, societal expectations, or personal circumstances can play a role in diminishing one's freedom.



Why is freedom necessary?

Freedom isn't just a word, it's the essence of living. Imagine each day as a canvas, and freedom is your brush, painting a unique masterpiece of dreams and self expression.

Beyond personal growth, freedom fuels innovation, turning "what if" into reality, just like the Wright brothers' flight. It's democracy's secret sauce, giving you a voice and shaping the world's course.

Freedom fosters equality and respect for diverse cultures. It's society's glue, bridging progress nd responsibility, allowing everyone to flourish.

In a nutshell, freedom isn't merely essentiial it's the magic that breathes life into existence, granting the power to paint, innovate, nd unite in a harmonious symphony of human potential.


I invite @josephdaniela , @lizaallizana & @ninapenda to participate in this contest.

P.S : I'm not active on Twitter


 11 months ago 

Holaa @princa yo me siento en libertad cuando mis padres me dan permiso de salir pero también estoy clara que depende para donde y con quien yotras cosas. Suerte en el reto.


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