Social Studies Lesson: Socialization and its Processes

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year (edited)
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What is socialization

Children learning to climb the stairs by socialization.

Socialization is the process by which a society transmits its cultural values to its members, and the way in which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society and learn to function as a member of that society. Socialization begins very early.

Socialization is a process that occurs over a lifetime where we acquire inherited social norms, values, and behaviors from other people. We also pass on our social habits to others in the society. This interaction determines how we fit into society and participate therein.

The significance of socialization is to learn how to be a functioning member of society. For instance, how to not make a faux pas at a party, how you know not to wear a bra if you’re a boy, or how to know to put on deodorant in a restaurant. We train ourselves or others to know what to do in certain situations.

An agent of socialization is any person or institution that shapes a person’s norms, values, or behaviors. Agents of socialization are the sources from which we learn (or are influenced by) socialization.
There are nine main agents of socialization. These are:

  • family – the main agent
  • peers– significant influences
  • school – breaks bonding with parents. Influence depends on the values the school and teachers hold.
  • mass media – the importance of its influence depends on what is read, watched, or listened to, and the frequency with which it is consumed
  • neighborhoods
  • religion – I find this one isn’t mentioned too much, but it is by far the most important in many people’s lives. I’ve seen people completely change the course of their life stories overnight because they’ve heard about Jesus’ love for them. source

State the significance of Socialization
Socialization is important because it helps uphold societies and cultures; it is also a key part of individual development. The significance of socialisation are: 1. Less loneliness which makes you feel better. 2. Building constructive relationships (unless you have lousy peer groups as found in many schools). 3. Improving the growth and development of a person. 4. Occupying the mind and keeping it ticking so you can avoid things like dementia. 5. A reduction in stress and anxiety 6. Learning how other cultures (or groups) like to do things – understanding their perspectives and attributes. 7. Getting emotional, physical, and spiritual support – one reason Christians go to church.

Explain the Process of Socialization
Every day, new children are born in every society. It is the responsibility of that society to ensure that its children are responsible and reliable members. The kids are taught that the projections of that community are based on their behavior. The child is expected to learn and understand the norms and cultures of that society. In learning the norms and cultures, the child is socialized.

Socialization, therefore, is a process of making and preparing a person to live and fit into their society. The socialization process starts from the time a child is born, throughout life until death. The socialization process is an imperative stage in a child development as it helps the child acquire the necessary skills needed for that society to function and coexist.

The impact of the process of socialization in adulthood is that it helps one become a social person who can interact with others and develop their personality. The person learns and acquires habits and skills that are critical for their effective participation in society.

Life Course Approach
The life course approach was initiated in the 1960s and aimed to analyze each socialization stage: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. The approach examines how past experiences determine a person's future choices based on their past life history. Social scientists use this approach to try and connect the historical, socioeconomic, and cultural context that a person has lived in. For example, in many countries, adulthood starts at the age of eighteen. When at this stage, one is capable of facing legal consequences.

Socialization has three main stages.

  • Primary socialization starts from infancy and is influenced by family members.
  • Secondary socialization is influenced by the school, peer groups, and the media.
  • Adult socialization is influenced by parenthood, marriage, and careers.

Primary Socialization:


Children learning to care for younger ones through their parents.

Primary Socialization happens from the moment a child is born until around the age of five years. At this stage, a child begins to learn their culture's behaviors, language, values, and cognitive skills. The child learns these things from immediate family members. At this stage, a child is not aware of right or wrong. The child learns from observing immediate family members and, in the process, gains the experience of making those moral decisions.

The primary stage of socialization is determined by different factors like ethnicity, gender, race, and socio-economic status. This happens because people have different cultures, values, and norms determined by their backgrounds. For example, a child born in Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria will adopt the Ibibio language while a child born in the United States adopts English as the first language.

At this stage, a child starts to recognize their parents and close family members and rejects or avoids strangers. The child also learns to speak, walk, and recognize things surrounding them like TVs, toys, shoes, and clothes.

The primary stage of socialization is very critical in a child's development as it sets the success or failure of a child.

Secondary Socialization:

Secondary Socialization is the second stage of a child's development. This usually occurs in the latter part of childhood and during adolescence. This is a stage where socialization is determined and shaped by agents other than family members. The influencing agents here include school, church, peer groups, and media.

In this stage, physical, emotional, and complete cognitive developments occur, and therefore, a child is considered a young adult who recognizes almost everything. The child attends school and hormonal changes and other body changes may occur.

Through secondary socialization, the child learns subjects in school and social skills like following instructions, directions and issues like meeting deadlines. A child here learns social skills by interacting with peers in school, teachers, and school members of staff.

Peer groups at this stage are very influential. Positive influences they provide include empathy, leadership skills, and academic motivation. Peer groups can also influence negative behaviors like crime and drug and alcohol abuse. A prominent life experience associated with this stage is that young adults about to leave adolescence begin to be romantically engaged with one another. source

Adult Socialization:

Socialization instills norms, values, believes, and behaviors which are very important in preparing an individual for future roles in the society.


In conclusion socialization is a very important topic of discuss and should be learned by all parents so they know how to guide their children to grow in the society to end with the positive aims of socialisation. I wish to invite @bela90 @etpraise and @gwillchrist to participate in this contest.

 last year 

Greetings @patudoh, thanks for sharing interest in this lesson today its quite unfortunate that you copied most of your content from the place.

Making research and sourcing a content doesn't mean you should copy verbertim. Please don't repeat such act.

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