Steemkids Community Word Definition Contest Series Wk3|| What Does Proof O exf Brain Mean? 10% Payout to @steemkidss

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)

10% Payout to @steemkidss


Warms greetings to my dear kids and kid lovers in this great community. I want to sincerely register my profound gratitude to @steemkids for coming up with this amazing contest that calls for thorough brainstorming.

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What do you understand by proof of brain?

Let start by explaining the two key words involved in this phrase. First we have "proof".
Proof is something that serves as an evidence that something is true or real. It can also mean a process of testing and ascertaining whether something is true or a fact. Proof helps to establish originality and authenticity.
While the Brain is the wired part of the human body that controls all the other activities of the body. It is enclosed in the skull. It controls both voluntary and involuntary actions of the body. It is made of three main regions namely:
The Brain Stem.
The Cerebellum.
The Cerebral Hemisphere.

The Brain Stem
is the part which controls breathing, heart rate and important reflexes for example the cough reflex to clear the breathing tubes.

The Cerebellum
is the center of balance and coordination of movement. Connected to this more primitive part of the Brain are the two Cerebral Hemispheres which control speech, thought, complex movement and vision. This part of the Brain detects our Thinking Faculty.

The Cerebral Hemisphere
The Brain has two hemispheres: the Left and Right Hemispheres. The Right and Right Hemispheres communicate through the nerve fibre bundle that cross from one side of the body to the other. As a result, the Left side of the Brain controls the Right side of the body while the Right side of the Brain controls the Left side of the body. The Brain controls body movement, processing information from the out side World and allows us to communicate with other through network of nerves that run throughout the body.
Having defined the two key words I would therefore say that Proof Of Brain is the Process or method or means of test-running and ascertaining the ability of the Brain to cogitate new ideas and fact thereby creating new contents devoid of plagiarism. It. Involves stretching, straining and tasking the Brain which some call it Brainstorming and other say Cracking Brain. Just as the usefulness of the Rubber Band lies in stretching it and the proof of the pudding lies in the eating so also the usefulness and capability of the human brain lies in stretching, cracking and tasking it. You may not know what your brain is capable of doing until you have crack, stretch and task it. Then you will know that even the fastest computer on earth can not be compared to the human brain.

Why is it important To know?

We should know that there is nothing the human brain cannot do if properly utilized. Since this community involves both kids and adults alike let me say this here that at birth or at infant age the Brain is a "Tabula rasa" meaning that at birth the human brain is like a clean, blank and empty slate devoid of any preconceived ideas or predetermined goals, having no innate ideas. In this condition anything that is taught or learnt sticks tenaciously even through the adulthood. The fastest learners are infants the Bible underscores this truth and it says:
Train Up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

How can l apply it ?

Steemit is a suitable platform where one can fittingly apply proof of brain because everything done in steemit is brain work and brain proven. Being a platform that advocate for originality and authenticity of content and have less or no tolerance for plagiarism, it becomes very expedient form me to put my brain at work by ensuring that I create quality contents devoid of plagiarism.

What are the challenges?

The Challenges of proof of Brain are enormous however the potential benefits outweighs the challenges. Some of the challenges encountered include:

It scares people away from participating in contests.
It makes people to seldom publish post .
Sometimes it makes people to quit steemit platform since they can not painstakingly create a quality post on their own without copying others work.

Why should we make use of it despite the challenges?

It helps us to be creative; creating new, original and quality contents instead of being copycats.
It keeps us free from plagiarism and the penalty that follows it if found a victim.
It helps to checkmate and curtail plagiarized work and keep it at Bay.
It makes us better than what we used to be before we met steemit.
It enhances the effective
and productive use of the human brain
Above all, it makes steemit a unique and outstanding platform, where there is less or no tolerance for plagiarism.


Proof of brain is beneficial in all facets of human endeavors because there is no limit to what our brain can accomplish. I enjoin all in this platform to make it a habit to always post contents devoid of plagiarized work as that may not augur well with our stay here. Thanks

I invite
@petersdebby to participate in this mind blowing contest.

Best Regards


Good one

 3 years ago 

Thanks for commenting

Indeed you have done a great work here. Keep it up sir

 3 years ago 

Thanks for reading and commenting

Nice post, great job

 3 years ago 

Thanks for visiting my blog

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participating in this contest. Your entry have been duly acknowledged.

 3 years ago 

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