in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)


Greetings all kids and lovers of kids in this great community @steemkids. I am delighted to participate in this contest by @ngoenyi you are most warmly welcome to my blog.

Introduction to the contest topic

Experience in life is said to be the best teacher. What it simply means is that what you don't have experience in will either be new or strange to you. And my people will always say what you don't know is older than you irrespective of your age or qualifications.
Life is a school full of multi-faceted experiences . Some of these experiences are optional and negotiable while some are compulsory and non-negotiable. They are non-negotiable in the sense that they don't wait for or seek or require your permissive will to come your way. They come as uninvited guest and strike you at times harder and odd times when you are least prepared for them so much so that you can hardly be able to bear or cope with. In my personal thinking these experiences include.


Childhood is an experience every ought to have. Because you can not just be born and grow up to adulthood overnight. You need to have experience ason what it means growing up. I mean the ups and downs of childhood and infancy ought be tasted by all.



Challenge is what makes champion Challenges exumes the giant buried inside us. No Challenge no champion. No one can just wake up one morning and claim to be or declare himself a champion if he had not been through and overcome challenges.

IMG_20210921_094448_348.jpgwhen thieves burgled and vandalized my shop.

Hard Times/Difficulties

You won't know the value and importance of good and sweet times except you have been through (experienced) hard and difficult times


No failure no success, you can not succeed without first failing.


You can't gain without losing. Because no loss , no gain.

Suffering And Pain

Suffer and pain is part of life. If you didn't suffer you will not enjoy. Those that are born with golden and silver spoon in their mouth don't know the value or price of success. A Sandy handy brings about an oily lips/mouth


One of the characteristic of living this is sickness. If you have never experienced what it means to be sick before, you will not know how a sick person feels on the sick bed.


IMG_20211113_130818_770.jpgexperiencing pain as a result of hot oil burnt.

All great souls that has ever lived and attained greatness is life has been through one challenge, hardtime, difficulty, failure, loss or the other but they remained resolute and resilient.


Conclusively, in my own opinion, I will suggest that if be possible:
Let every one experience poverty, so that when he is rich he will know what it means and how it feels to be poor and then know how to treat the poor people.
Let every one first be on the ground so that when he ascends to the top he will not look down on those on the ground and see them as tiny as ants or as nonentities.
Let every one pass through the refining fire, before becoming as a shiny gold so that when you have become gold you will not disregard those that are still in their refining process.
Let every one experience what it means to be through the crucibles of this life so that no one will boast of anything he has
Thanks to @ngoenyi and @steemkids for this contest. I wish yo invite @pesh21, @dorcasje and @charis20 to participate in this contest
Special mentions:

Esteemed Regards.


So true of the points you made. Thank you for the invitation

Everyone should face problems either poor or rich, but we should handle the situation positively, every problem has its own solutions, so we should take it as a challenge and we don't blame on fate.

 3 years ago 

Thanks @jyoti-thelight for visiting my blog and commenting

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