in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)

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Love is a beautiful thing especially when you share gifts, advice and you sacrifice for the other person's happiness.
I feel fulfilled each time I extend the hand of love.
Hello kids and kids lovers, I am @patience90 and you are welcome to my blog.
Thanks to @steemkidss for this great contest with 50% payout to @skids-charity

What do you understand by love?

I understand that love is sacrifice, love is beauty, love is giving without expecting anything in return,love is correction and love is pure.

Who can show love and why?

Everyone can show love because it comes from the heart and it is a virtue that every living soul posseses.

Have you shown someone love, how did you do that and how did the recipient feel?

Yes I have shown so many people love.
There was a certain time a friend was defrauded and eventually ran into debt. Even his siblings vehemently refused to render financial help and they all had money at that moment but the instant he asked me, I didn't even think twice before giving him out of love.
I felt honoured that he could even ask me for help.
It was later he told me that his siblings had money but were giving clumsy excuses and he was glad I helped. He kept singing it until I warned him to keep quiet.

Has anyone shown you love before and how did you feel when love was shown to you?

Severally, people have shown me love.
Back in school when I couldn't get hostel accommodation because I resumed late, a friend accommodated me for almost 2 semesters which is equal to 5 months.
So many people couldn't believe that we were not in any way related.
I was eternally grateful and I will never forget that show of love.

Express your love to someone in a practical way.


The above screenshots are my own little ways of showing love through sacrifice, correction, advices and encouragements

The truth is that, only those who love you will correct you.


Putting smile on the faces of the less privileged and kids is the best act of love

Do you think love is a virtue that should be cultivated by all and be demonstrated in a practical way?

Yes it should be cultivated by all I believe love should be demonstrated in a practical way also.
You can't claim to love someone without showing or proving it.

How did you learn to show love and where?

Like I mentioned earlier, it is an inbuilt virtue.
I was told by my older siblings that even right from childhood, I stood up for them and always want to share my snacks with them and that is love.
Thereby, I was born with it and I started showing to my family.

How will the world look like if everyone cultivates this quality.

The world would have been a better and peaceful place to live in because hatred and envy would have no place in our hearts if everyone cultivates this quality.


There are several ways of showing love to people around.
Through material things, advice, money and connection.
If you see an opportunity and you are not qualify but then you didn't hide it from a fellow, that is considered great love.

I wish to invite @akwashphil, @desiredlady and @hossana95 to join in this contest.

Cc: @steemkids

Best regards

 3 years ago 

Hola qué buen gesto de amor tuviste por tu amigo, ayudarlo en muy momento tan difícil donde la propia familia le dio la espalda.

Estoy de acuerdo contigo el mundo con amor sería muy diferente.


Thanks for reading and I hope we can extend the hand of love to as many as we can.

 3 years ago 

De nada, amén.

I love your kind-hearted heat. Keep showing love to the less privilege

Thanks ma

You are welcome dear

Excelente publicación amiga. Muy acertadas tus definiciones. Saludos!

Gracias querida @joskay.ale

 3 years ago 

Putting smile on the faces of the less prevailed and kids is the best act of love

I agree with you

Thanks dear

 3 years ago 

Thanks you for sharing this amazing word and it's definition with us.
Thanks for sharing and keep sharing quality content with us

Thanks for reading

Your On point, thanks for inviting me.

I love your definition of love especially the part that says without expecting anything in return.

Love should be shown from an unintentional heart.

Thank you for sharing this

Thanks for reading.

Interesting kudus


I love the word you used, love is inbuilt. What ever we do came from heart. You try.

Thanks for going through

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