Basic things you need to know about crypto trading

Hello my people it's a pleasure to write on this writing expenditure for the week. This is my first time joining the writing expenditure and I took my time to try and study how the program works. After much reading and research, I finally discovered how the program function and that is why I will be sharing my thought today.

Trading cryptocurrency requires some basic knowledge and I will be discussing a few of the basic knowledge needed in this post. Firstly, before embarking on crypto trading, you should know the movement of the asset and what they are called.

There are two different movements which is called uptrend and downtrend. This movement are also called the bearish movement and the bullish movement. For more clarity about these two movement, I will explain each one after the other below.

Bullish movement


The word bullish movement refers to the movement of an asset in an upward direction. This means that when the price of the asset or crypto is going upward, we can say that the asset is in this face is bullish. In the bullish phase, people always try to buy and hold their assets and then sell when the price begins to drop.

Bearish movement


Bearish movement on the other hand is a type of movement that has to do with the downward movement of the price of the asset. Here the price may have reached a level that it will start coming downward. More also, this is a period where those who have accumulated enough will start selling the asset they are holding.


Both movements is called a trend. Trend is the movement of asset either in an upward direction or downward direction. It is also refers to the bullish or bearish movement of the price of an asset at any given period or time. Since crypto asset is volatile, then the prices continuously changes with with time. This is all I have to discuss with us this week about crypto trading.

 last year 

Wow! Bullish and Bearish, seems the names originated from animals. It's beautiful to learn from you.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 65897.19
ETH 2706.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.88