Social Studies Lesson || Communication, Types and forms of Communication || by @ogwo

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

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Hello and welcome to my blog today,how are you all doing I hope you had a wonderful day filled with exting and nice things.

Today in the community,I will like to share with you on a very designated topic which is communication,in our life's today,we can do anything with out communication and as such saying I can say that communicating is really necessary for our everyday in homework I will like to share with you on the types and form s of communication and I hope you will find it interesting to read through my post.

Define communication

Communication can be seen or defined as the exchange of thoughts,ideas and information which can be done by either writing,speaking or by giving signs.
A good communication must have all it takes so that the receiver must understand it and pass it across to the next person.

Types of communication

There are ideally two types of communication and I will like to list them to you together with some if their examples.

Traditional communicationThis is a type of communication that has been exist in the olden day,and are used by our forefathers and some if their instruments include:

1.Gongs:In the olden days,gongs are used to transfer information from one place to another,and this can be done when there is an urgent information to be spread to the people by the king,and When the town criers hit this drun with it's stick,all the people will assemble at the king's palace.
It is made if iron and beaten with stick.

2.flute and horns:This is another type in which message can be transferred from one place to the other,it is used to transfer message from the king's palace and telling the people that their is danger or just to tell the people that an important person just can be understood to those who can translate it well.

3.Gunshot:This is typically a method if telling people to be at an aleart,it is used to share with the people about the coming of an important person or a burial ceremony of a very important person.

Modern communicationThis is the nowadays means if transferring information,it has made communication very easy and faster than that of the traditional means,it runs with the information communication technology gadgets and below are some if their instruments.

1.Radio:The radio is said to be one if the oldest modern means if transferring information,it is all around the globe and is very easy to transfer information.

2.print media:This is another fast modern means if transferring information from one place to the other,it can be done by the printing of banners newspaper and is indeed a fast means of sending information from one place to the other.

3.courier service:This is the new means if sending information,as it runs with sending letters and is more faster and reliable than that if the postal office way of sending letter.

Device used in modern and traditional communication

Gongsprint media
Gunshotcourier service
Flute and hornsradio
Smokes or fire lighteningtelevision
Use of objectsprint media

Benefits of modern communication

  • Modern communication has gone a long way to make all the means of communication very easy and faster by the provisions of some of some of its communication devices.

  • Modern communication has gone a long way to build a bridge between a nation and the other by inhancing our business and expanding it so that the world can typically know and hear about our works through the internet or other social medias.

  • Modern communication has gone a long way to make learning very easy as we all can equally learn through its devices and making it possible for us all to get to know the different lifestyle of each country far from us.

  • Modern technology has really gone a long way to bring an improvement in our traveling,good health and others.


Am really happy to be hear once again with you guys on this very topic,sorry that I was very late and I promise to do more better in the next calss.
Modern communication is really good as it has much of its benefits than the negative and therefore improving many lives.


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