"A Story About Myself"

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

"A Story About Myself"

Greetings to you dearest steemians on the Steem Kids & Parents Community and the steemit blockchain at large. What a community without you! Infact, You! You!! You!!! makes a community. You are welcome to my block as I will entertain you with "a story about myself", in the series of @goodybest contest, and I hope it will lighten your boredom of the weekend's work related stress.


About Myself

I am by name Kingsley Peter, a male, first in the family of six, a native of Ndiya in Ikono Local Government of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. I have attended Monica Nursery and Primary School - Ikot Ekpene; Egbado South Local Government School - Ipokia; Tai Solarin University of Education - Ijebu Ode.

What I Have Gone Through As A Child And Adult

A wise proverbs say: "life is not a bed of roses". This saying may be understood by individuals in different situations and circumstances experienced. And to some, it is just a piece of literary work in an imaginative poetry.

As the first in the family. I will not say I was born with a silver spoon, but I had a taste of good parental touch and upbringing in my early years. Oh! how I wish it continues just some years more. But sadly, the only thing the devil is good at is to steal and destroy whatsoever have been painstakingly built.

It all happen when my father's half-brother began to jealous his brother's progress in his chosen field of endeavour. My father that I grew up to know has always been a generous giver who will stop at nothing, even ready to sacrifice his dinner to help someone else. He took care of his brother's children as if they are his biological children - pay their fee, clothing, school books, to mention a few. I recall once my mum told him, "this one you are pampering your brother's children, remember yours are growing up".

Subsequent upon that, my dad began to experience some mishap. At first, it did not bothered him because as a christian he hardly believe in those fetish practises. But when his vehicle got an accident beyond repair, the business places began to collapse and he began to incur debts that it dawn on him that devil has actually visited him, not knowing that the so-called devil is actually his half brother whom he have been doing everything to please. Before he could say 'Jack Robinson', he was back to square zero. It was then that we as a family of four then began to face real life situation. I was drop out of school, my mum sold out some of her sewing machine in a bid to see if she can salvage the situation but still everything collapses.

Of course nothing is everly hidden in life, those who knew of that wicket act came and told my dad. They told him that his brother was jealous and angry that his junior brother bought a brand new vehicle.

From that time onward, my growing up with my sibling as not been a bed of rose. I began to assist my mother at that tender age to hawk punkin leaf and bread in the neighborhood, while my mum will sale her own in the market. My educational upbringing really suffered a terrible setback. And even when the same children that my father sponsored their education had something doing, they never assisted anyone of us. So my growing into teenage and adult was not a pleasant experiences, this often makes my mother felt bad each time she saw us passing through this hardship.

What I Am Going Through Now

For sure, the Holy book says "no condition is permanent". What I went through with my siblings was actually a training in disguise even though no one will pray for that kind of training. I accepted doing any menial job to assist my parent to pay my trade fee of enrolling into some part-time secretarial training. I became almost a jack of all trade. This exposed me beyond my peers and friends back then, because am always ready to do any thing with my hands with great dexterity.

All those experiences saw me through school years after. Even when I work with people, they fell in love with me because of how dynamic I worked. No wonder they felt bad each time I say bye bye. Most of my lecturers sees me as a great asset in assisting them to complete their syllabus. This help me to work and handle tasks I wouldn't have taught I will. And today, those hard earned skills is actually helping me to live my life without depending on anybody.

What are those things that bring you down sometimes, but how do you normally pick yourself up?

In one occasion when I was driven out of an examination in year two second semester because of not completing my school fee, I felt as if the whole world has collapse upon me. I was about shading tears when my education course lecturer walk up to me were I was standing looking at my peers writing the examination and tapped me at the back and said, "Kingsley, don't worry, just go home and rest your head, I trust you, next year you will write it". At that material point in time, I felt as if a heavy load was lifted of my head, and I left.

Now, each time I recall such instances, I felt down. But when I looked back at my contemporaries, I recall the words of Ecclesiastes 9:11 wish says: "have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success..." So my strong reliance on God who saw me through those years help me to bounce back with renew strength and vigor, hence I picked up myself.

What Keeps You Going And What Message Do You Have For Us?

A numbers of things keep me going, but number one thing is my complete trust in God. Seeing my sibling now thriving in life keeps me going. Living up to my responsibility as a family head keeps me going. Today, I do not rely on any one for assistance, I believe in what I can do with my hands base on the capacity of what God have deposited in me for great exploit.

Hence, my message to everyone is; do not belittle yourself in anyway even if others try to belittle you. Take hold of every situation and maneuver something out if it. Remember that the rejected stone is always the chief cornerstone.

One of my mentor always charge us with the saying: "Say yes I can do it". So even when you feel timid before a challenge, say yes I can do it. It worked for me, and it will work for you!

When I look back on the past years, I have nothing to regret because I have not given the devil the opportunity to laugh at me. The architect of the act regretted their actions and today they do not leave to eat from what they have stolen.

That is just a piece of my story.

Thank you for stooping by my block, have a successful day ahead.


Thank you, friend!
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 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing the your quality content here.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us here, your a conqueror! Truly not the mighty win war nor the swift have race. Because time and unforseen occurrences befall them all. Powerful message you have for us, I wish you success!!

 2 years ago 

Thank you, also for organising the contest.

Hmm what a story. Some people can be very mean and selfish. I pray God helps you to recover everything you have lost.

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear @gesikeme, such is the nature of man. God is actually doing his work. The Egyptians of yesteryears are no more.

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