in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

Steem greetings dear steemians in this ecosystem. It's another opportunity with great pleasure to participate in this contest. First and foremost I want to appreciate the organizer of this contest with such a captivating theme "Forgiveness unites family". Before I proceed permit me to invite two @sahmie,@goodybest of my friends to join me in participating in this contest if they have not taken part already. All thanks to the founder @ngoenyi and other supporters of this community who run this platform to this great extent, kudos to all your hard work.


No matter how wonderful your spouse is they are not perfect....., you will be hurt by your spouse and it won't just occur once, forgiveness needs to be something that is available in the family.

If we're going to maintain a long term relationship with our family and loves onces,we are going to hurt each other many times, intentionally, unintentionally.

God knows that forgiveness is the balm that will help maintain those relationships.

If you want peace in your life,if you want to feel more Joy,if you want to have deeper connection with others learn to forgive.

What's Forgiveness

The definition of forgiveness is essentially the act of pardoning an offender. Also "forgiveness" literally means "to let go".


Why Do We Need To Forgive?

We need to forgive because it's a command Jesus famously told Peter in Mathew 18 to forgive someone"Seventy times Seven times" and he makes the sobering statement that if we not forgive others, our father in Heaven will not forgive us(Mathew 6:15). So it's pertinent and very much needful to forgive


what Forgiveness isn't

Many people are reluctant to forgive because they don't understand the difference between trust and forgiveness. Forgiving others must be immediate, whether or not a person asks for it.

Forgiveness is also not necessary forgetting what happened. Depending on the situation,it may require a time of healing. Forgiveness isn't sweeping things under the rug and saying what the other person did or said was okay


How then do we achieve this "letting go", which can feel like an impossible task? Even if we desire it; our emotions can rise up at the least expected time and overwhelmed us with anger and pains.

Steps To True Forgiveness

• Acknowledge the pain

• Think Through Things (TTT)

• Imagine being on the other side

• Remember God's forgiveness

• Reflect on our biblical command

• Let go of the hurt

• Continue to Forgive and forget

• Pray for the person who hurt you.

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In conclusion, forgiveness brings about togetherness,oneness and reconciliation,it's lead to peaceful co-existence in the family neighborhood community and society at large. Let us embrace this attitude of forgiveness so that each one can live amicably with one another

Thank you for having me and also reading my Post, I believed it's worth reading and new things will be passed through reading it.

My Regards


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.


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