SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

in Steem Kids & Parents7 months ago
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Hi there

He who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of charity. ...

What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Charity is the highest form of love. Charity is giving, helping, being generous, and providing important items needed by people with love. When it comes to charity, you need to have it all before you give. Charity means you can starve for someone who is dying.

Charity should be done with love and not a forceful action. That is why the Bible says, "When I was hungry, you gave me to eat; when I was thirsty, you gave me to drink; when I was naked, you clothed me; and when I was in prison, you visited me. The Lord said, "When you do these to any of your brethren, you do unto me."

Yes, charity begins at home. This simply means that we should look beautiful and well dressed at home before coming out. No one bathes at home and comes to the road to dress up.

A family is made up of a father, mother, and children. Now, within the family, it is expected of us to have love among ourselves because when we cannot show love or charity at home, then we possibly can't show charity to someone else.

The home is the foundation where we learn basic things; that is why the saying "charity begins at home." Everyone learned to crawl from home, and so should we learn charity from home before we can extend it to someone else?

What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

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Well, anything can be a motivating factor for charity; it depends on your mood and state of life. But one thing is sure: if you love giving, then every little thing motivates you to give. Let me mention some motivating factors for charity...

• To support a particular organization: Some time last month, I heard from a radio station that they want to support a family with some amount of money for business. They made it clear that they know every story about this family; they have visited and seen a lot for themselves, so that is why they plead with people to help. They called their official account, where money could be sent to support the family.

This could be a motivating factor because you believe it's an organization that wants to help this family, and they need fundraising to do so.

• To feel good and happy: A lot of people do charity just to feel good and to be happy. One morning, my brother woke up and said, "I want to feel good today!" and I asked, So what do you want to do about it? He said, Just watch me.

He made a call, asking some stores to bring some items for him, and after some time, the items came home. He went to the neighborhood, gathered some little children, and began to share the items he bought. After sharing those items, he came in and said, "Now I feel good!"

• Inspiration from a person or people: A lot of people get motivated by seeing or hearing what others have done or are doing. Their spirit is raised and high to do more of what they saw; that is why we must stay with positive-minded people.

It is not good to broadcast what you have done for others. The Bible says, "When the right hand does something, the left hand should not know about it." Just like when Jesus did his charity work in the Bible, people found out by themselves; he never went announcing it. When we do charity for others, it should be kept within us and not broadcast.

When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

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The last time was a few days ago. I came home and noticed some missing items at home, but no one said anything to me. I dropped my bag and left the house unannounced.

I returned with these items to stock the house, and my parents were just so happy and joyous. I felt happy that they smiled because of what they never asked for, but they got it. Charity is something I do almost all the time at home because I was taught to do it anywhere.

Your advice to others about charity

Charity is a good activity we should all get engaged in. Once you start practicing it, you get addicted to doing it, but it doesn't intoxicate. If you feel intoxicated doing charity, why not?

Always remember that doing charity is a complete blessing. Every single charity you do is documented, and the blessing must surely come.

When you do charity, go directly to yourself, except for the fact that you trust the third party. Going directly ensures that your charity will not be given a haircut or a diversion.

I invite @inspiracion @queenella @pelon53



@ninapenda this is a very constructive and educating write up, I must commend. It is good to carry out charity works to others whenever the needs arises. Because even the bible encourages us to do so. And we must not always wait until we have enough before we could show charity. We should learn to make little sacrifices. That was nice putting smiles on the faces of your parent. Kudos

 7 months ago 

Hi @ninapenda, I loved the way you wrote the post, based on the bible verses.

The important thing, in being charitable, is to give the best we can without any desire for retribution, just by seeing happy faces we can be happy ourselves.

When we decide to be empathetic in our homes, it is very easy to be generous with others, but always keeping silent about what we do, so as not to boast.


 7 months ago 

Charity is a humanitarian act of helping others with money, food or good advice without expecting anything in return. Charity should start from child as he learns humanity from childhood. Donation should be generous I think donation should not be broadcast. We do charity for the pleasure of Allah. Not to show off. But if we alone cannot help a person completely, it is better to broadcast it for more help from others. Your suggestion is great we teach humanitarian work to the little ones from now on.


You're indeed right dear @ninependa, every single charity we show to people is a blessing to us, my mom always told me this, you came up with a good entry.

Good luck friend.

He who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of charity. ... Those words are strong dear, thank you for your view on this, it's highly inspiring and encouraging.

Hi @ninapenda

Charity embodies love and giving vital for those in need. It should start at home fostering kindness within families before extending to others. Motivations for giving vary but genuine charity brings joy without seeking recognition. Giving silently without broadcasting reflects the true spirit of generosity.

 7 months ago 

Wow...,this is w-o-w!! Charity is truly the highest form of love. The first set of people we get to know as a child are members of our immediate family, so our generosity should begin with them and then the outside world, we should strike a balance.

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