SEC | S11W3-""Discipline""

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Take hold of discipline; do not let go. Safeguard it, for it is your life.”​—Prov. 4:10-13.

How do you view discipline?

Discipline is a correction that trains, strengthens, molds, and perfects one into a better tomorrow.

Discipline is the action you take when trying, failing, and keep trying again and again until you get there.

Discipline, a visual reminder of what someone wishes to achieve in the future.

We have so many explanations of the word discipline mean. The way a child is been disciplined is not the same way an adult disciplines himself. There are a lot of sacrifices that are disciplined because you wish to acquire a particular thing.

For example, someone who eats just twice a day because he has a very serious task at hand to finish up before the fixed time is disciplined!

In life we all make mistakes and most times these mistakes are because of not caring and that is why everyone needs corrections which is discipline. No matter our age, young or old needs discipline.

Imagine there was no discipline, everyone behaves the way they choose, I think this life would have been a mess. There would have been no progress without discipline, people would keep making the same mistakes, keep failing because of wrongdoings, and not advance in ability or knowledge.

Have you been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone?


Oh! My dad was the disciplinarian. He never tolerates nonsense from anyone. I was disciplined by my dad all through my childhood till a youthful age.

My dad disciplined me and my siblings to the extent that whenever he travels, we feel so happy and wished he never returns 😂. This discipline was more on me because I was the only daughter, I would share a story with you.

I was the only one close to my dad but I was the one who receives the discipline more and my dad told me and my siblings not to ask him for money in the morning. He said we can ask him at night after he returns from work.

One morning, my brother asked my mom for some money to buy some books in school but my mom referred him to my dad, now he was scared of going to ask my dad because he knew the instruction. My brother sent me as dad's pet, imagine me, I went on thinking it was going to be simple because it was me.

My dad didn't even let me finish what I have to say. Immediately he reached for his cane, I ran as fast as my legs could carry. That was the last day neither I nor my siblings ever knocked on my dad's door in the morning.

Imagine if my dad had listened to me that morning I came to ask him for money, I would not take his words seriously. I would always return over and over to ask for money because I believe I was Dad's best. But he used another discipline measure for us to learn.

Do you consider discipline as love or hatred despite how it is given?


Discipline is love no matter how it is given. It can only take love to correct someone. Of course, we cannot correct our enemies, right?

A mother or father who disciplines his or her child is because they want that child to be the best among his equals, they want that child to be his best in the future. I don't think it is hatred when we are been corrected.

Although while growing up, I saw it as hate. I thought my parents hated me whenever they correct me but when maturity sets in, I begin to understand what they meant. Discipline is love.

Do you think discipline is beneficial to kids?

Of course! Discipline helps kids grow into happy and healthy adults. Discipline also helps the kids know their left and right in setting goals in the future and also have self-control.

Imagine a child without discipline, he will always misbehave everywhere, and will people around would always ask if the parent of this child gave him home training at all.

But when a kid undergoes discipline at home, and she speaks outside, or displays an attitude, you would know that yes the kid has got some home training. So discipline is beneficial to kids.

Your advice to those who give the discipline and to those who receive it."


To those who give discipline

Discipline to not by force, it is with love. When you want to correct either an adult or a child, there should be an atom of love in it. Nothing is achieved with our power and might. Always seek a good and peaceful atmosphere when you want to discipline mostly kids.

Kids would prefer that mom, dad, aunt, or uncle who corrects them with love. You can even spank a child with love.

To those who receive

Always try to accept corrections when you are been given one. This goes for me too, most times I don't accept corrections but when I relax and look into the matter so well, I see some sense in it and I take it.

Always allow yourself to be disciplined either by yourself or someone.

I invite @drhira @miyexi @dave-hanny @goodybest

 last year 

Hello friend, discipline is very important in everyone's life, whether they are adults or children, because it will help us to have more perseverance and dedication for the things we do and want to achieve.

Sometimes we don't understand it at the time, but later we see the results and we are happy to have received the guidance and discipline, as long as it is with love.

Success and blessings!

Many blessings, thank you for the warm response

Reading your story it seemed as if they were in an army, if it is true that discipline forms, educates but I think that to be so severe is to create psychological traumas, which in many of these cases are then transmitted to their children, the chain must be broken.

Lol, thank you for responding friend.

 last year 

Greetings friend,

Discipline is a very crucial aspect in everyone's life, be it in the life of adults or children because it sets the path to respect, greatness and success. One has to discipline to accomplish all his/her dreams.

We may not always understand what disciple is at the early stage of life, but get to see the fruits later on. Unlike you, my mum was my disciplinarian, and I must say she was good and diligent in her duty too.

Thank you and good luck 👍

Thank so much for the warm response.


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Thank you so much

Oh, waw. Cerita yang menarik.

Hai teman baik, @ninapenda

Terima kasih telah berbagi cerita yang seru. Anda tidak salah ketika meminta uang pada ayahmu. Karena kebutuhan untuk membeli buku adalah hal penting.

Tapi saya cukup terkejut dengan responnya. Pasti sangat menyakitkan apabila tongkat itu mengenai anda. Padahal anda sedang membantu. 🙈

Saya setuju dengan anda bahwa didisiplinkan adalah bentuk cinta. Terlepas bagaimana seseorang menggunakan caranya. Karena mendisiplinkan orang lain bisa jadi sangat sulit.

Semoga anda sehat selalu! Jangan lupa pergi ke postingan saya 🤗


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