SEC | S11W4-""""more freedom""""

in Steem Kids & Parents11 months ago (edited)


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Hello friends, one of the most sought opportunities for everyone is freedom. The fight for freedom has caused several civil strife and sometimes full blown wars. In so many countries, so many sacrifices were made to attain independence from their colonial masters.

The same is true at the home front. Young ones seek freedom and have always had problems with their parents because of it. Wives want to have some measure of freedom from their husbands, husbands likewise want that.

And of course, one will not remain under someone forever. One has to be granted more freedom at some point in our lives. Even the Almighty has given us freedom to choose who to serve, how many kids to give birth to, the type of food to eat, the type of clothing to put on, the choice 9f places to go and so on. However, those freedoms must be exercised under the boundaries of what is right in his own eyes else, the person will face the consequences of his choices.

Little wander he said in the Holy scriptures at Ecclesiastes 11: 9-10 that young men should rejoice while they are young, and they should let their heart be glad in the days of their youth. He added that they should follow the ways of their heart and go where their eyes lead them. But the caution is that they should know that the true God will bring them into judgment for all these things they choose to do. At the end he advised them to remove troublesome things from their heart, and ward off harmful things from their body, because youth and the prime of life are futility.

So in as much as they are free to choose what to do, they are still going to be responsible for the path they choose. Hence, freedom comes with responsibilities and only those who have gained more freedom from their parents a result of proving that they are responsible can be able to handle that freedom alright.

What do you understand to be freedom as a parent or kid?

In the context of this contest, freedom means when a person has the power or capacity to think, act and do what he wants without being controlled by anybody. It could be said to mean that a person is entirely independent and has the freewill to make his own decisions.

So, for a child, it means the ability or power to say and do whatever they want. You know children are adventurers and would not want to be hindered from what they desire to do. Hence parents are looked at as a stumbling block as they desire to exercise this freedom.

Kids need freedom to association, freedom to play, freedom to do all they want to do at any point in time.

When kids are younger, they depend on their parents for everything. They cry for food and wait for you to feed them. They are helpless at that moment just like my son in the picture below

IMG_20230725_014828_587.jpgmy kids when he entirely depends on his parents for everything

As they keep growing, they learn to eat the foods on their own. They only beg for permission to go take the food and eat but we must prepare the food for them. As they keep growing, parents allow them to prepare the foods by themselves. As they keep learning, they even go to the market to get the stuffs for the foods themselves. That is how the freedom comes in stages depending on how fast the child is to follow up with the training


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What can make you grant more freedom to your kids or what can you do to earn more freedom?

Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to care and train their children to become responsible and loving adults. So in the exercise of this authority, they determine to what extent freedom can be given to a child.

There are various factors that can make a parent grant more freedom to the child or by which a child can earn more freedom.

These include but not limited to the following;

° The child's response to discipline

° the child's level of accountability

° Readiness to accept corrections and application of it.

° The reasonableness of the child.

° the ability to say the truth irrespective of the outcome.

° Being patient with the parents.

° Being available to help out at home.

  • handling the little freedom that had been granted earlier responsibly

When the child exhibits some of these qualities mentioned above, he can earn more freedom from the parents.

Advantages and disadvantages of freedom both to parents and kids

Advantages of freedom include but not limited to the following

👉 Giving more freedom to our children helps them to be more creative and offers them limitless solutions to problems. It makes it easier for them to identify possible solutions, weigh them to see which one is better and then make a decision.

👉 It enhances their dignity and self confidence. It enables them to be one more independent and have belief in themselves and what they can do.

👉 Giving children more freedom helps them explore and have a sense of control when it comes to their life, thus improving their overall mental health. It helps the child build a more comprehensive personality.


👉 When much freedom is given to children, it can lead to juvenile delinquency.

👉 Parents have the responsibility to impart moral education and training on their children. So, when much freedom is given without adequate training, the children will learn debased moral standards from their friends.

👉 The child becomes over pampered, haughty, lacking respect for elderly ones and gradually becomes a spoilt child.

What can cause one to lose the freedom he or she has?

When such freedom is abused by the child. Sometimes, when a child is allowed a certain level of freedom, they may want to show off, doing certain things against the parent's wish but to impress the friends.

When the child loses the trust of his parents, lack of responsibility and accountability on his part and impatience can cause him or her to loss the freedom that had been granted him or her.

Why is freedom necessary?

Everybody wants freedom. Even a newborn would want to be given a certain level of freedom. That is why they cry when they are denied access to what they want.


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Freedom is important towards building an individual's personality. This includes his dignity, self respect, ability to resolve and manage issues, problem solving skills, ability to weigh various options and making the best decisions and being able to grow into a responsible adulthood requires freedom.

So freedom is very important but should be given at the right time and exercised with caution.


Everyone deserves freedom. Parents are entrusted with the responsibility of caring and guiding their children to become responsible and reasonable grown ups.

However they need to be told that the more they gain the trust of their parents, the.more freedom is given to them.


This is my introductory post here



Saludos amiga @ngoenyi tiene la razon al decir que cada persona tiene la facultad de elegir y tomar deiones, Dios mismo nos dio el libre albeldrio. Los padres deben ser responsables en dar libertad a sus hijos para el bien y futuro. Un gusto leerle. Dios le bendiga

 11 months ago 

Todos tenemos el derecho de ser libres y disfrutar de plena libertad para hacer las cosas que deseamos siempre en el marco de las leyes, en cuanto a los hijos también merecen la libertad de expresarse y salir a jugar con sus amigos, y nosotros los padres debemos velar para que nuestros hijos sean personas de bien y no se desvíen por tanta libertad que se les de, muchas veces los hijos abusan de la libertad que se les da y entonces allí tenemos que poner mano dura para corregirlos

 11 months ago 

Kebebasan juga sangat bagi seseorang untuk memperluas wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan.

 11 months ago 

Everyone deserves freedom. Yes!... Because it promote dignity.... Congrats @ngoenyi

 11 months ago 

Excelente contenido amiga.♥️

Todos queremos libertad pero cuando somos jóvenes la ejercemos sin medir las consecuencias y sin querer acatar los parámetros de nuestros padres.
Y como ya hemos pasado por eso queremos inculcar en nuestros hijos que está se va ganando y que actuar de manera imprudente acarrea secuelas nefastas.

Disfrute la lectura.
Hasta la próxima 👋

I really love how this publication is structured based on personal experiences of motherhood

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