Week #21👉My Pictures, My Memories Contest, My Picture Album Is Safe With Steem

in Steem Kids & Parents10 months ago (edited)



I greet you all fellow steemians ,my sincere regards to you all for your dedication and commitment towards the growth of this Ecosystem,I also thank you all sincerely for appreciating my humble contribution to this noble concept ,I am also honoured and privileged to be considered worthy to be a part of this contest,I believe that the memories which I thought was lost was revived through this contest,I also truely believe that sharing in this memory will no doubt be a fuifilling experience.

Memories are like treasures locked up in an iron chest and hidden in a dark room.this hidden treasures of memory when open and brought out again from its dark hidden place refreshes the soul, gives hope and inspire us to continue in our quest to win the battles of life.

Describe the event that the pictures represent, include why the picture is so special to you.

The memory I share with you have forced me the opportunity to reminisce on my happy childhood. am a balanced individual by reason of a happy childhood I experienced from the cradle to the picture I attached to this write-up,this picture captures and represents the indelible happy memories of my childhood.
The picture was taken on a deserted road with my father squatting and holding me with both hands.this event was the celebration of my fifth birthday


As you can see in that picture my father and I were wearing jean outfit which he bought specially for the occasion.the occasion started about 1 pm in the afternoon after lavishing me with so much gifts and special food prepared for me,we announced to the guest that he and I will take a picture to commemorate that day ,I and my parents took a short walk to this place where we took the picture.

The event was also special because my father was overjoyed of receiving the news that I came first in my class ,he further told me to hold this picture very dear to my heart because it will serve as a beaking of hope and encouragement to me whenever I face any challenge or difficulty in life.i remember vividly that immediately after taken this picture, My mother and my father took a short walk to my pastor whom my father asked to pray for us and especially for me for more better days ahead and great accomplishment in life.

State who are/is in pictures and how the pictures were taken, that is, were they with your device? Or by a professional photographer? Let us know


The picture was taken by a professional photographer whom my father paid to cover the event ,while the person with me in this picture is my dear father.Many may not understand why I am sentimentally attached to this picture but the truth is that to a large extent this picture is like a symbol to me,a symbol which reminds me always that my father and mother are solidly behind me in anything I aspire to do


Any discerning person who looks at this picture will see the love and care my parents showered on me and still shower on me with the way my father held me in his arms .I thank everyone in this platform and in this noble community for giving me this opportunity to participate in this contest and share my childhood memories which are not just a memory but a treasure.once again thanks to #steemkids & parents.


 9 months ago 

Thank you for your participation in my contest. Please try to always share your post on Twitter and drive engagement on your publications by commenting and voting on other people's publications

Thank you ma, I will make sure I do the needful

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