in Steem Kids & Parents9 months ago

Hello fellow steemians,
How are you all doing?, I hope you all are fine. I am no doubt very glad and grateful to be a part of this Ecosystem and I believe my humble thoughts and ideas will make great impact. Once again, I welcome you all to this blog of mine i titled benefits of constant intake of water to which I will take time to give a detailed explanation to it.



Water is a liquid substance, a colourless element made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, good water should be colourless, odourless and devoid of any micro-organism. Water is safe when it comes from a pure source, uncontaminated by any solid or liquid material, it is a solvent and agent of bio-chemical reaction in the body of any living organism.

Water is able to aid in the internal transport of material in a living organism because of its cohesive is not a solvent that easily disperses,it is a stable substance and that is why you can have both volume and mass when it is in motion.i is one of the most important naturally occurring element in the world,it can fall as rain, stored as ice,fall down as snow,manifest as due,turn into vapour by heats,found in stream and oceans, lakes and ponds, and other water bodies of the world.


The human organism cannot exist including other flora and fauna without water and Life will be unimaginable without this universal solvent and it is also a very important factor in photosynthesis because photosynthesis cannot commence without the chemical splitting of water into ionic components,other life processes like digestion, respiration and even reproduction is impossible without the presence of water.

Ninety-nine percent of the human body consist of water, the liquidity of blood is made naturally so because of the presence of water and therefore there is no blood without water.


The benefits of constant intake of water are numerous:

  • The constant intake of water ensures that normal temperature is maintained. when one takes enough water , it helps the body eliminates sodium which If present in the bloodstream may reduce blood pressure.


  • The kidney also performs it's function of osmo-regulation through water medium, because elimination of excess salt and uric acid is done by the kidney with presence sufficient water in the body.

  • water also helps in the normal function of the genito-urenal tract by aiding the elimination of pathogens through regular urination.

  • constant intake of water ensures the availability of cellular fluid and when there is adequate cellular fluid, bio-chemical processes in the body produces heat and heat causes perspiration, and perspiration helps cool the body temperature.

  • constant intake of water also helps in the oxidation of glucose and this helps produce energy for work and other daily activities.

  • Physical and chemical digestion is made possible because of water. Water converts solid food to chyme and then to chyle. These are processes in digestion which will be made impossible without water.
    Moreover, gastric juices produced in the walls of the intestines and enzymes that facilitates digestion cannot perform without water.


Infact, water is indeed a universal solvent. The basic needs of life which are cells cannot exist without water and therefore life is impossible without water, water makes the world go round. Once more, I thank everyone in this noble platform and i also dedicate my appreciations to this community @steemkidss.

My regards


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