in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Hello fellow Steemians,
I warmly welcome you to my childhood dreams.
Kindly stay calm while I walk you through my dreams as a child and as to whether I achieved it or not.
Steem on!

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Growing up as a child, one is always catered for, groomed and nurtured by whoever they depended on especially parents and guardians. It's a beautiful experience each and everyone has had in their life. Usually, being a child makes you believe in endless possibilities of dreams, visions and imaginations. Most of the time, a child thinks that whatever he or she imagines and desires is what should happen to them. No wonder some kids make huge requests from their parents such as "Daddy I want you to buy me an aeroplane". It's not their fault if you ask me, just that, their minds believe in unrestricted possibilities of any imaginations and dreams concerning the future.


My childhood life was not exceptional from this. I was born in a village in the Northern region of Ghana precisely Nkanchina, a suburb of Kpandai District. From what I gathered from my parents, I was the calm and reserved type. As at the time I attained school going age, my parents had relocated from the village to Kpandai, a nearby town (now the District Capital). It was then I got enrolled into school (Kindergarten) and started to mingle with others and making new friends.

Just like most kids, our choices, dreams and aspirations are mostly influenced by our parents through certain conversations we might have with them. So they easily make suggestions such as "I want you to become a Medical Doctor in future" and it stays with this kid for a very long time. In other situations, kids create dreams about the future based on the influence from their immediate environment. This environment could be the Calibre of professionals he or she sees around most often. So you'll realize that, if the child sees teachers and policemen all the time, he or she may register that in their mind as what they want to be in future.

My initial dream for the future was greatly influenced by how pastors were respected and held in high esteem among church members in my church. So, as a child, I remember telling my Dad that I want to become a pastor in future. I remember him telling me that one could only become a pastor if that individual is called by God to serve in that domain and that it is not a profession to be chosen.

I later developed a blazing desire to pursue journalism. This dream was greatly influenced by the beauty I see in this profession whenever I watch the television. I see news anchors, reporters, program hosts and many others and I literally find myself sitting in those seats and speaking on TV too. What boosted my morale for this dream was also the fact that I did better in English Language in school at that tender age than any other subject. My beliefs were so high that I believed I was born for that profession and no one can stop me. Whatever it takes, I'll surely get there. I'll be the journalist who spoke on national Television. I then developed much interest in writing and reading a lot at my spare time. For me, journalism was the real deal and nothing can change that.

pexels-george-milton-6954155.jpg Photo by George Milton from Pexels

Fast forward to my Junior High School days, I became the health prefect of my school. I'd come to love what I did for my colleagues who fell sick and others who were injured. That feeling of bringing relief to someone who's in pain really made me a little obsessed with my position as a health prefect and subsequently got me thinking about my dreams for the future. So when it was time for me to choose the Senior High school I wished to attend, I was given four slots to make choices and I chose two General Arts institutions and chose two General Science institutions so that I could become a journalist if I was placed in one of the Arts institutions and if I miss that, I might get to study Science and later become a health worker in future. When school placements were released, I got to attend a general arts institution hoping that I'll finish and further on into journalism.

After Senior High School, I made good grades and so I decided to apply to tertiary institutions for both fields (Journalism and Health). I got picked up by a health institution ( College of Health and well-being - Kintampo, Ghana) to study Disease Control and Surveillance.


I'm currently in my final year in the above mentioned health institution and I really love my job here. I'm really glad that I'll get to save lives as a Disease Control and Surveillance officer even though I initially wanted to be a journalist.


Dreams really exist, I believe. For me, I couldn't achieve my first dream of becoming the journalist I wished to become but I got redirected to a field I've come to love so much.

This dream of working in the field of health has been greatly achieved with the support of God and my parents. My Dad had already researched about the health institution he wished for me to attend and I finally got admitted into the institution. On the other hand, my Mom had saved up money to pay for my fees and I believe that they have played a major role for me to be where I am today.

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To the young children who are upcoming, my advice is that do not stop dreaming. Dream bigger than your immediate environment and Sean bigger than dictates from your parents because it costs nothing to dream. Also, let your dreams be your focus and I believe that you'll achieve whatever you put your mind to do. Nature will guide you through to becoming what you were made for.



Thank you for taking time to read.
Gratitude to @ngoenyi .

I specially invite @stephenoppong , @njayone and @ibrahim7869.

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