Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2: Impacts of Technology in kids lives by @nadeesew

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago


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Hello everyone,

This is my post of this week' s engagement challenge. I'm happy to speak about the technology and the kids as it is important to share.I'm grateful for the community for giving this opportunity to share our ideas.

Write an overview of how technology has impacted the world as a whole.

Technology plays an important role in the world by now. at the end of 90 s technology started capturing the human lives. Computer became more fasinated and had many new ways to make the lives easier. It is common that each and every part of the human lives are connected with technology.


When talking about the education field now the children have many opportunities generated as a result of technology to improve their education level. Distant learning was a dream in earlier ages but now the children have the opportunity of leaning being in distant areas even without going to the school. There are ways of conducting video conferences to do the lessons being anywhere any time. When we were small we didn'nt have that opportunity. With the emergence of social media platforms there are many articles and videos on many subjects and I can see that children have the chance of learning various things by refering to the videos and articles published on social media.

A new thing for many countries is the Learning management System. Here there are teachers from many parts of the country and children can learn through videos and papers uploaded by those teachers and also there are forums where children have the ability to ask and sort out any subject related matters that they have.

Home education and Home schooling concepts are brought to the world with this technological impact on education. Parents can guide the children to their ambitions as they have the technology and they can be fully equiped with knowledge that they prefer to have. This is a good impact of technology on children.


Health is another field that was highly impacted by technology. Earlier people used to do simple medications on illnesses that they have. but with the emergence of technology different machines were introduced and they help to diagnose diseases easily. Nano technology helps to give treatments easily with less injuries.

Keeping records of patients, telemedicine are the main important points that embraced by the technology. Now with the help of technology distant treatments are given to the patients. Specialists can treat patients even being in a distant location.

Manufacturing of medicines are done using robotic technology. So the quality can be assured as the production is done in an automatic way.


When we think about businesses I think this is another field that has embraced technology in a mass way. Businesses use technology for manufactoring, storing, distribution and to keep records of their products. Employement details, HR process is fully automated by now.

Using bio metrix, finger prints for attendance, CCTV for the security is high by now. Computerized details help a business to identify competitors and work to achieve goals of the business day by day.

As a whole each and every single thing in human lives are embraced by the technology which helps people in many ways.

Share with us some of the positivity and negativity of technology in kids' lives.

AsI mentioned above children have many advantages as a result of using technology for their eductaion process.

Technology affects children in both positive and negetive ways. As adults we should identify them and try to minimize the negetive effects while enhancing the positive effects. We experienced the use of technology for kids specially during the covid pandemic period. Children were in their homes but teachers gave the education and did the lessons while being at home. This could't cover the whole education but most parts of the lessons were nicely covered using video conferencing and online teaching applications. In Srilanka there are government sites for education so children could watch subject related videos and study.

Apart from the online education kids can browse for new things which are not taught at schools. Specially if a child wants to be a pilot one day, he can watch videos and follow online courses which are really needful for him.Here in my country kids follow many online courses which are offered by international universities all around the world and our kids get the opportunity of learning them which is additional to what they learn at schools.


In equal proportion to positive effects kids also have negetive effects of technology. Kids love entertainment so at the time of learning through internet kids adddict to video games, cartoons and sometimes to watch unnecessary videos rather than doing their education work. I strongly believe this should be under control of elders.

Kids may subject to social media crimes, cyber bulling or will affect their mentality if something wrong had happened. Kids also will face physical illnesses like poor eye sight, bach pains aor joint paints due to the use of computers of other electronic equipment for a longer time. As everything is readily available for kids they may lose their creativity and ability of thinking. This not something good to happen. Children should be creative and think logically without depending on technical equipment.

How would you rate the impact of technology in kids' life? Highly positive or negative? Explain.

My rating of technology for kids' lives are in the middle line as i feel and I identified Highly positive effects and in equal proportion i identified negative effects as well. So I think technology has extreme positive and negative effects on children's lives. There are many new inventions that help the kids to live with the technology but it looses the kids' creativity and emotions. Emotional imbalance happens if too much technology is embossed to a child. So I feel the rating that i can give is in the middle of positive and negative.

Can you have control over the exposure of kids to certain technological products? How?"

As I said in the above topic there are many new technical products introduced to the world of children. Calculator was the first. Then the computer, mobile phones, smart watches, play stations, small robots to to their work etc.....

Children tend to buy those and get addicted. Sometimes parents buy things for kids to show off their wealth but that should be limited to only useful things. It is the full responsibility of parents to guide the children in the correct path. Specialy for play stations, computers and other technical devices. For some technical products the usage can be controled as parents. For example Video games can be allowed for certain hours if they do their studies for certain hours as well. This control can be done in a nice way that will not hurt the child.

I would like to invite my friends @mrsokal , @jyoti-thelight and @nadiaturrina to take part in the contestThis is the end of my post. Thank you for reading so far. Have a nice day.


During the time where we were on lockdown, technology came to our aid, it helped us right boredom, to still continue learning even though schools were closed, it was also technology that helped people to continue working from home as businesses where also closed. All of that is the proof that technology is good for us, however kids misuse it today, mots spend all their time handling the internet which can be dangerous. Parents must come to their rescue

 2 years ago 

I concur with you entirely. Technology has an equal positive and negative impact on children. In due course, I shall clarify my concept in my post.

 2 years ago 

You are true dear and thank you for commenting on my post

 2 years ago 

That's what I'm afraid of, addiction. sometimes it's the addiction to technology that diminishes their creativity. great post my friend, hopefully always.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for stopping by my post. Have a good day.

In addition to the suggestions you highlighted how to control the impact of tech on kids, using a parental control program on your gadget will help overcome the inappropriate content that might pop up when using a mobile phone or laptop.

The is for sharing
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Good publication
Greetings and blessings

 2 years ago 

I can see that you have made a lot of demonstration about technology and how it plays a great role on the life of kids like wise it negative effect

 2 years ago 

Technology has become part of each of our daily activities, and children do not escape it.

Currently, children from an early age make use of technological equipment, with which they interact daily, allowing them to develop their intellectual capacity.

It is important that parents and representatives constantly monitor their children's interaction with such electronic devices, avoiding addiction to them.

Successes in the contest.

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