SEC17 WK:#3: Large and Small families, likes and dislikes

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month

Warm greetings to the parents and kids in this wonderful community. I'm here today to also share with you my participation in this contest which is still on family. My thanks goes to the organizers @steemkids.


I will start by saying that a family is a blessing and it's the greatest and awesome gift we have, we all came from a different families, either large or small and we can attest to the fact that we have our likes and dislikes based on the experiences we have or based on what you've heard and also see.

Leat dive into the full meaning of a family.

In my simplest terms, a family is a group of people related by blood and by marriage living together. We have two types of family, the nuclear family and the extended family.

The nuclear family which consist of the father, mother and the children.

The extended family which consist of the father, mother, children, grandparents, cousins, niece and nephews and the likes.

I am going to talk about the nuclear family for the purpose of this contest.

What is my choice of a family size, so I like large size (plenty children) or I prefer small size family (2-3 children)?


Having a large family might be by individual differences and also by mistake, why I said it might be by mistake is because I'm using my family as an example.

My family is a large one, nine in numbers including my father and my mother, four boys and three girls making it seven amd including my mom and dad that makes it nine.

Now this is why I said that some large family might be by mistake,y mother normally says that it wasn't her intention to give birth to plenty children, that her choice was four children but what happened os that each time she goes to the hospital to do family planning, its that same month she will take in (pregnant) amd there's no way she can get rid of it and her husband (my father) wasn't making it easy for her either by using any protective measures like (condom) or try doing withdrawal method.

So that's how my mother ended up giving birth to seven of us, making things so difficult and hard for us while growing up, but we are fine anyways.

As it is now with the hardship in the country and the economy meltdown I will only give birth to two kids a boy and a girl by the grace of God. So that I and my husband will be able to carter for them, because I won't want any of my child to experience the tough time I experienced while growing up and up till now I'm still striving to meet up with life.

Now let's talk about the likes and the dislikes in a nuclear family:

Likes in a small family


• In a small family, you won't hear anything like personal responsibility, the parent accepts the responsibility of their children and help them grow intellectually, physically and otherwise.

• In a small family you will have sufficient fun to take care of your children by providing all their needs and wants and you will also have enough time to spend with them.

• I know there's always conflict in many families if not all, but in small family, if there's any conflict they can easily be resolved without being prolong.

• In a small nuclear family you will have your total peace of mind, no excess noise from the children or conflict and you will have your privacy.

Dislike in a small family


• In a small family loneliness is one of the things that always affect the children because, for example if I'm having two kids a boy and a girl, the both might be in the need of a playmate of the same sex.

• In a small family there will not be much hands in the house to assist in doing chores in the house.

• Small family where they have only one child, will make the child always lonely and will be questioning or requesting the parents to give him/her a siblings to play with, sometimes the child will end up going outside to play with a neighbor.

Likes in large family

• In a large family you will have plenty people around the house talk with and share jokes and there will not be any dull moments.

• In a large family the children have a lot of social skills and can influence their siblings greatly.

• In a large family child tends to be more responsible at a tender age like running the total affair of the house like cooking of meal, that is they will understand the real value of responsibility.



• Children born in a large family are sometimes exposed to hard/street life at a tender age. Some of them will be send out to be an house help just because there's no finance to carter for them.

• In a large family it is very difficult to maintain privacy, it is a major issue as children will always intrude on your privacy, making it so hard for you to have peace of mind or even feel at home.

• In Large family you will find it extremely difficult for to carter for all the children because of lack of finance and they will end up being starved.

• In a large family one may develop jealousy for the progress of the other, and some parents also will decide to have their favourite child among the children, which is not right at all.


My conclusion is that any family size you desire for yourself is good, either big or large family but you have to take up the responsibility as a parent, unite and communicate well, and let the bond of love co-exist among you.

I'm inviting my friends @megareigns @saintkelvin17 and @woka-happiness to join in the contest.

Thanks for stopping by to read


One Love 💕



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola amiga, un gusto leerte, lamento que al crecer en una familia grande pasaras por cosas dificiles, a veces los padres de numerosos hijos no estan preparados para tener tantos, y la mayoria de las veces estos culpan a los hijos de sus fracasos. Así que concuerdo contigo en que cada quien puede tener el numero de hijos que desea, pero que sea planificado, que todos puedan vivir, crecer y desarrollarse de igual manera.

Lo que no comparto es tener hijos para que hagan las tareas del hogar, y ya es la segunda vez que leo esa misma frase en el concurso, pero de otro escritor,

En una familia pequeña no habrá muchas manos en la casa para ayudar con las tareas del hogar.

y yo considero que no debemos tener hijos para que al crecer sean nuestros ayudantes o nuestros sirvientes, sino formarlos para ser independientes y que logren tener una gran vida, obviamente hay que enseñar, pero no como si fuera su responsabilidad. De todos modos quizas pueda ser una percepción de culturas distintas o de traducción. Mucho exito y bendiciones para ti, que te vaya grandioso en el concurso.

 last month 

You're right, we should only have kids for the purpose of training them to become better person in life and not because we want them to come and assist us in the house or be our servants.

That's why personal I will love to have just two kids and I pray that my future husband should also have the same perception with me so that we can train them to the best standard we want.

Thank you for stopping by with this wonderful comment.

 last month 

hello friend,
I think small families should be formed according to one's needs. It is the duty and the sacred responsibility of all to look after the future generations with healthy bodies, good food and high education so that they can build a strong nation.

Because small families are the keys to happy families and strong and powerful nations.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us your instructive article. I wish you all the best for the competition.

 last month 

Thank you for stopping by with your wonderful comment, I appreciate it.


Punya banyak anak banyak atau sedikit anak memiliki keuntungan dan kekurangannya masing-masing. Yang terpenting bagaimana kita menyesuaikan dengan kondisi, kemampuan, rencana serta tujuan yang ingin kita raih.

Pada prinsipnya kita ingin sesuatu yang berkualitas, meskipun terkadang kuantitas juga perlu dipertimbangkan.

Semoga anda beruntung dengan kontes ini. Salam...

 last month (edited)

Thank you for stopping by my post with wonderful comment.

 last month 

Hello dear thanks for the invite, I really appreciate it alot. The nuclear family is totally awesome and peaceful most times.

My family is a nuclear one and I have learnt alot of things concerning it so I intend to have a nuclear family when I get ready for marriage.

 last month 

That's a good decision and it will help you so well, thank you for stopping by my post.

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