Contest: If Growth Was A Person...

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago (edited)

Good evening everyone here, is good to be here, hope you all are doing well, as for me I am doing absolutely well. Growth, to me, is much more than making progress. Growth is a way to better understand your set goals, where you are within them, and how to move forward to progress these goals. This can be family, mental health, physical health, or job focused, but generally, it's the progression of a topic in your life. So let's go deep into this contest about growth.

Show A Picture Of Yourself Some Years Back And Now, And Outline The Difference In Looks

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There's a big difference as you glance through the two pictures, the first picture that I'm wearing black gown is the I took on the 24 December 2016 while the second one I'm on Navy blue gown was taken a few days ago, on the 11th of February 2024.

• Then I had a very dark skin, compare to now, that my skin is glowing so well because I'm using my home made oil (hot pressed coconut oil).

• I was so slim then, and some friends says I should go into modeling but now, I don't understand where I'm fatting to.

• See how long my hair was, I relaxed it but now I'm on natural short hair.

• Then, no matter what I eat my tommy will always remain flat as if I'm starving, but now, ordinary water that I drink it will look like I'm pregnant. My stomach is like the size of a GP tank.

Do You Think If Growth Was Person, I Would Be You? if Yes Or No, Give Reason For Your Answer.


Of course Yes My whole life has experience so much growth as a person. I know so many hurdles I've passed through in this life, yet I'm still standing tall despite those awful moments. I have one slogan I always say to myself that "I don't accept defeat". Even in my darkest moments I have never lose hope because I know "He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world".

Another thing is that I've stop doubting myself or worrying about my weaknesses. Since I still have some development areas I'm working on to become even better at what I do. But the difference is, I'm spending less time focusing on what I believe I lack, because I know where I was and where I am now and I am still growing rapidly.

Highlight Five Crazy Things You Were Doing Some Years Back That You're No Longer Doing


Growth begins with self-responsibility. It's a journey of recognizing that you have the power to shape your own life, thoughts, and actions. I will take you through the 5 craziest things I used to do.

  1. I grew up in the mist of boys and I tend to be doing what they do, like walking naked with only boxers.

  2. I fight a lot and beat up my fellow mate.

  3. Bath inside the rain water.

  4. I used shaving stick to shave off my eyebrows.

  5. I like climbing trees, no matter how tall or curvy the tree might be...

Let me just stop here because of the contest sake!

How Would You Feel If You Were Still How You Were 10 Years From Your Age And What Things Do You Do To Appreciate Growth?

There are three type of people - people who live in past, people who live i present and those who live in future. Unhappiest are the ones which live in past and most anxious are the ones which live in future. So best place to live in is - NOW !!!
......Rashmi Pathak.

We all know growth is constant, whether you like it or not you are growing one way or the other. I can't picture my self living where I was 10 years ago because that is the past habit. I have seen myself grow so well in different aspects of my life, so I'm very appreciative about that.

As I wake up every day of my life, I maintain a gratitude journal, I thank God for the person I am today and how far He has brought me, inspite of the ups and downs I still appreciate God for not letting me down. I know I am still growing as a person as I am also aiming at achieving more of my set goals and visions, though I'm not mounting pressure on myself as I'm not competing with any body I go steadily knowing that my future is guarantee in God's hand.

I invite my @saintkelvin, @unyime and @ninapenda to participate in the contest

Thanks For Always Reading, One Love 💕


Achievement-1: My Introduction Post


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

I don't know what to say because I'm shocked. Such a growth. If growth was really a person, it would be you. You've shared details on how funny you were when you were younger. Climbing trees? It's kind of weird to see women climb trees. It seems you were a Tom boy years back. The difference is clear. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and best of luck in this contest.

 5 months ago 

@bossj23 Yes it was really weird as you said, the reason is because I grew up among boys, thank you.


I've once seen a girl who got addicted to fighting with boys in my school, so powerful.
Bath inside the rain while raining was like eating rice and stew..😁 to be sincere I always got Happ whenever I bath under the rain, if i may put in conclusion your five craziest things you used to do isn't strange to me. Iove reading your post and I'm waiting to read more. Good luck.

 5 months ago 

Woman always have tremendous changes after some times, you really have grown big. I actually thought I was the only one that love fighting. Though my own is, I don't look for trouble. I can see you also love bathing outside and climbing trees. I really enjoyed reading your post.

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