SEC-S11W1: The Most Embarrassing Moment Of My Life As A Kid Or Parent

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year


Hello, goodmorning beautiful souls out here in this wonderful Steemit Ecosystem. It's such a great moment to be alive, I strongly believe you all are doing exceedingly well at your end because over here, I am doing perfectly okay. So, this week's contest is just a spectacular one and believe me, I will be taking it personal because it has a whole lot to do with that embarrassing day and I will be sharing it with you all, so, stay glued.

Have You Ever Been Embarrassed? Tell Us The Scenario And How You Felt.


Yes, just like every other person, I wasn't an exemption, it all happened when I was still doing a Disk Jockey work, that eventful day, I was contracted by my client to handle the reception Dj work and just as usual, I collected my advance payment and went straight to get the job done, this was on the 23rd day of March, 2021.

The day came, I took my sound systems to the reception hall, made the necessary connections and went back to get my laptop so I can start warming up the hall with some cool sounds. Everything went on so well, just as the MC was about introducing the bride to the hall, all the songs I had sorted out go erased from my system, frankly speaking, I never knew what went wrong, like it felt I was being attacked spiritually.

For some reasons, I was forced to believe it was a spiritual attack owing to the fact that I was still playing some songs before now and nothing like virus was on the system since I have Kaparsky anti-virus on my system, so what would've gone wrong, everyone's eyes were on me, I wished I had super powers to just disappear into the thin air so no one would see me ever again. I managed to play some out-of-line songs throughout the reception and it was really awkward and a blow to my brand then.

Do You Think You Deserved The Embarrassment Or It Should've Been Someone else?


Technically, I would say I deserved what happened to me that day and on the other hand, I would say I never deserved it. Firstly, I deserved it because I was too sure of myself without considering the fact that the laptop where the songs were in are human made and can disappoint at any time.

Also, I never deserved that because that particular event has been a setback to my Dj work and it hasn't been funny since then, I mean these were big time clients and the reception had the likes of two commissioners in attendance. Maybe, I would've gotten a much bigger contract from there and I allowed my carelessness take a toll on me.

Also, it shouldn't have been someone else because the aftermath hasn't been easy even after I left DJ work. We are humans and embarassment such as that shouldn't be wishes to a fellow human.

What Have You Done To Avoid Such A Scenerio From Reoccurring?

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After that event, I met with my senior colleague in the field, he told some necessary precautions to take when DJing and one of such was that I should always try and check for harmful applications, if possible I should scan my applications with the anti-virus application before going for any job.

Secondly, he asked me always put my selected songs on a single folder then copy it to an external storage system so that if such occurs, I can quickly plugin the external storage device and make use of the songs, this really helped me the next day of my job.

Lastly, I was asked to get a new system and have atleast two systems for my job, atleast, it will help curtail such an embarrassing scene again. This didn't just help me in the DJ job, I also applied it to the supermarket job and it really helped me, atleast, I never had any issue of lost data while I was still a manager.

I want to invite @etette , @goodybest and @chant to participate in this contest if they are yet to.

Thanks for reading



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