Spraying chemicals to produce high yielding crops.🥭🥭

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month (edited)

Hope you all are well. By your prayers and by the infinite mercy of Allah, I am also well. Today I have appeared in front of you with a beautiful post in everyone's favorite community. What I am going to discuss with you today is spraying some chemicals to make mango orchards high yielding. So friends, without delay, let's have some important discussion before you about today's topic.


Friends you all know that mangoes produce once every year. But now developed countries have produced many types of mango seedlings that produce mangoes twice a year. In other ways, mango seedlings are created in such a way that the mangoes are present all year round. Friends we all love to eat. I also love to eat mangoes, I have about six trees in my house. Among my six trees, one tree is Gopal bhog, 2 trees are Haribhanga and the remaining trees are Amrupali.





I like to eat Haribhanga and Amrupali mangoes. So I planted these two mango trees. Haribhanga mangoes are the first to be consumed and Amrupali mangoes are the last to be consumed. So I planned and planted more of these two mango trees. Due to the warming of the weather and climate, the attacks of various insects become more frequent. So many types of insect pests attack them. To protect against this invasive pest, the plant needs to be treated after flowering. By doing this, the yield of the tree is better and gives better quality yield.







Spraying such chemicals on plants at low cost results in high yielding crops. Likewise, it was nice to see a mango orchard being sprayed today. Spraying all these chemicals on the tree prevents the attack of insect pests, making the mango flowers and buds healthy, fresh and able to give more yield. So if you want to prevent flower and fruit drop due to this weather and climate warming then you can spray chemicals.


Friends, this was a small post that I presented to you today. Hope you all like it, wish you all good health and well being.

DeviceRealme c15
SubjectMango cultivation

🙋‍♂️My identity🙋‍♂️

My name is Md. Parvez Akhtar, my steemit user id is @mdparvaj. I work on steemit platform besides studying. I live in zamirhat tokeyapara in parbatipur police station in dinajpur district. I love sports and traveling a lot.

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I saw your post and I am very happy because I like mango very much. My favorite food is the heart, and I like it very much because it is raw and it looks very delicious and you are doing such a good job. People have planted in their gardens and you are taking care of it, I am very happy to see it

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