"Weekly Contest 11 || The Diary Game" Title; An extraordinary day.

A smashing greeting to all steamians of this amazing community. I remain @mbetobongluke from Nigeria and I'm delighted to participate and share my diary game in this astounding community. A big thanks to @m-fdo for organizing this contest.
Let's enjoy the process.

It's always a credible moment to share my day with you.
As a day unfold, we all have what we're upto.

In the morning

Having a stressful day yesterday was another big odd if I will wake up early. But all the same. I struggle to wake up this morning by 7; 19AM which was not quite late. Today being Sunday I didn't have the zeal of going to church which is personal. The next thing I did after observing my morning devotion was to clean up my environment.
In the process of cleaning up my environment, time was fast spent, hence the zeal to go to church further erode.
Cleaning up my environment in Sunday morning was another gloomsome experience I had with a cool friendly weather. Before I realized, it was already some minute past 10. I was fully indoubt if I would take my breakfast. But hey, hunger has it way of stopping my work.
Still in the process of cleaning and tidying up my surrounding, a fish seller passby, I had to stop him and buy the fish hence the work stop.
The next thing I did was to arranged the food so I can take in something.


I settle for red oil rice and ice fish as my breakfast but this time around it was no more breakfast because it was almost noon.
Since nobody was home, I had to do the preparation myself. I started by steaming the ice fish and also bar boiled the rice before putting other ingredients. I wasn't satisfied by the aroma of the food because I was so hungry and weak. Before I could finish cooking, it was already noon.


Hey food is ready. Taking breakfast at noon😅🤣
I was amazed over what I did not minding the time I ate.
After eating, I had a neurotic rest to relieved the work I did.


Why still sleeping, I had a call... When I checked on it, it was a friend of mine who I asked to get me one custard of crayfish a couple of weeks ago. He told me that He's back that I should come get it.
I had to jump up immediately because my crayfish finished 3 days ago.
Along the street to his place, I realized there's a serious holdup. I was wondering what's going on. On getting close to the place, it was a church organizing a crusade. They were so much that the congregation had to extend the church to the main road.
I navigate to the guys place and get the crayfish.


It was another fantastic moment in my life because he did beyond what I expected. People are born for adversity. I thanks and salute his overwhelming gift.


Towards evening I stroll to check on a friend. The mini bus I enter, one of the driver passenger happens to be a criminal. On stopping him, he was claiming he gave the driver money whereas he didn't. I argument extendid, we the fellow passenger had to struggle with the criminal to give the driver his money. Before he then blindly give the money. It was a bogus moment.


The driver drove off and stop me at the place I needed to stop.


A lot of things where going on. Petty traders were selling on the roadside. I had to stop by and chew pork meat with the token I had before getting to my friends place.


After spending time with me, I retire to my place and call it a rapped.
It was really a fantastic day. I really enjoy every moment and step u took.

I would love the following friends to participate in this contest,

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