Daily dynamics: creative writing. || 10% to steemkidss

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago


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Long ago before the world came into civilization, there lived peacefullu the cat and the mouse in the animal kingdom. The Strongest of them was their ruler, The lion.
The lion was the fiercest and strongest of them all and at such, he was made ruler to defend them from external and internal threats. The animal's lived in peace and harmony for thousand years until one fateful day.

Mr. Cat had a nice house with 4 daughters and a was expecting a son and his friend Mr. Mice wasnt married so he didnt have children yet.
Mr Cat and Mice were good friends but unknown to Mr Cat that the mice was not happy seeing that his friend was doing fine and expecting a baby boy to the house to complete the cycle and give the Cat a heir to the throne.
Attimes when Mr Cat went out with his friend, the villagers will always be teasing Mr mice that he dosent have a family at his old age but his friend does.
At some point, the mice took it casual but as years went by, he took it personal.
Mr Cat usually noticed his friends unusual face but never tried asking him for oncce what his problem was. He never knew that as months drew nigh, the mice had a wicked plan to end his misery and to stop people talking about him not having a family as does his friend.

After 9months of waiting and expecting a baby boy, finally jehovah made his wife give birth to a baby boy. Mr Cat seeing this was so happy, dripping tears of joy.
He went on to meet the ruler of the kingdom to ask for his fatherly blessing upon himself and the baby. Finally a day was fixed for the naming ceremony of the child and the whole villagers we're invited to grace the event.

The D - day to the event Mr Mice came to visit his friend aftee not being around for sometime when the child was born. Mr Cat seeing his friend jumped to hug him and exchange pleasantries. After all set and done, Mr Mice went in to where the babg was lying with no knowledge of anyone. He went inside and covered the baby's mouth and nostrils with the babys towel.
The baby with no or little oxygene passed on.

Mr Mice left the room unknown to him that Mr Cats househelp saw what he did. After he had killed the baby he went out and went home.

Mr Cats wife came in to feed the baby when she discovered that her baby was dead. With anger and hatred, she screamed till her husband came in.
Mr Cat with tears in his eyes asked who did such wickedness. Just then, the house girl told Mr Cat everything.
Since that day till now, the cat has always been a sworn enemy of the rat and that explains why the cat kills the mice anytime it sees it.


  • Always know who your friends are before highlighting with them.

  • Never be jealous as it can lead to your demise.

  • Be contented with wat you have. Contentment they say is great gain.

 2 years ago 

Hi @mauriceetukudo, I'm so much intrigued by your story of why the cat hate the mice. The cat has every reason to be angry with the mice and at the same time, I would have been angry too. Thanks for sharing the moral lessons too. Jealousy can make you do things you originally didn't intend doing that's why it's very important to be careful of our friends. Many of them aren't happy with our success and we wouldn't notice unless we cut ties with them.... Thanks for sharing. I'm @dorismos

Hello @mauriceetukudo, thank you for this interesting folklore. I enjoyed knowing why cat and rat are enemies. Glad that you shared it with us here.

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 2 years ago 

Well done on writing a great post!
I wonder who was created first, cat or mouse? 😊
Thank you for sharing three great morals with us.

 2 years ago 

The story is really interesting.

It's actually a myth of the cat and rat and I enjoyed finding out what led to their enmity.

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